Bodleian quatrain nr. 22

Anet 1957 - 62
Ce Khayyâm qui cousait les tentes de la sagesse
tomba dans un four et fut calciné.
L’ange Izraël a coupé les cordes de sa tente,
la mort a vendu ses cendres pour rien.
Cadell 1899 - 24
Khayam, as deepest lore he sought to win
Fell in grief's brazier and was burned therein;
Fate's scissors midst life's tent ropes havoc wrought,
And then Death's broker sold the bits for nought.
Christensen 1927 - 67
Khayyám, who was stitching the tents of wisdom, fell into
the furnace of affliction and was burnt all of a sudden.
The shears of death cut the tent-rope of his life. The
broker of hope sold him for nothing.
Grolleau 1902 - 22
Kháyyám, qui travailla aux tentes de la sagesse,
Tomba dans le brasier de la tristesse et fui consumé d'un seul coup;
Les ciseaux du destin ont coupé la corde de sa tente,
Et le marchand d'espoir l'a vendu pour une chanson.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 22
Khayyám, who stitched at the tents of wisdom,
fell into the furnace of sorrow and was suddenly burnt;
the shears of doom cut the tent-rope of his existence,
and the broker of hope sold him for a mere song.
De Marthold 1910 - 22
Khayyâm édifia la sagesse en cherchant,
Au brasier des chagrins consumé sur le champ;
Le destin a coupé les cordes de sa tente
Et le marchand d'espoir l'a vendu pour un chant.
Nicolas 1867 - 81
Khèyam, qui cousait les tentes de la philosophie, est tombé tout à coup dans le creuset du chagrin et s'y est brûlé. Les ciseaux de la Parque sont venus trancher le fil de son existence, et le revendeur empressé l'a cédé pour rien.
Von der Porten 1927 - 22
Chajjam! Wer an der Weisheit Zelt zu näh'n begehrt,
Wird von des Trübsinns Flammengluten schnell verzehrt.
Des Schicksals Schere schneidet seines Lebens Stränge,
Der Hoffnungshändler schlagt ihn los, weit unterm Wert.
Rosen 1928 - 39
Khayyam (the tentmaker), who used to sew tents of philosophy,
Has fallen into the furnace of distress and suddenly been burned.
The scissors of the death-hour have cut the rope of his life,
Broker fate has sold him for nothing.
Talbot 1908 - 22
Khayyám, who stitch'd at Wisdom's golden tent,
Through Sorrow's white-hot furnaces was sent;
The tent-rope of his life by fate was cut,
And for a song he from the Broker went.
Thompson 1906 - 132
Khayyam, who stitched tents of philosophy,
In Grief's fire fallen, was burnt suddenly,
Death's shears cut his life's tent rope; he was sold
For nothing by the broker. Destiny.
Tirtha 1941 - X.167
Khayyam, who patched the tents of learned lore,
Fell once in kiln of love, and burnt to core;
The shear of death cut all his ties in life,
And all was sold for nothing, and no more.
Whinfield 1883 - 83
Khayyám, who long time stitched the tents of learning,
Has fallen into a furnace, and lies burning,
Death's shears have cut his thread of life asunder,
Fate's brokers sell him off with scorn and spurning.
- HERON-ALLEN 1899 - App1
- MAHFUZ 1939 - 43
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 38