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Corresponding translations

In this section only those quatrains are included that bear a relation with the Bodleian manuscript. Where this relation is a translation, directly for example by Heron-Allen, Grolleau or Von der Porten, or indirectly as by Talbot, all 158 quatrains are given, bearing the number of the original.
Where the relation is other than a translation, the original number in that edition is followed by the corresponding number, betweeen brackets, in the Bodleian manuscript.

Some translations have a non-consecutive numbering or no numbering at all. The verses in Bodenstedt's translation for instance, are organized in chapters, called Bücher (Buch I, Buch II etc.). We also find chapters in Garner and Tirtha, whereas Christensen 1905 and Cowell have no numbers at all.

More translations

There is a small number of other translations of the Bodleain quatrains. Some of them are translated directly from the Persian text, others are translations of Heron-Allen's version or adaptations thereof. Here is a first selection:

The Ruba'iyát of Omar Khayyám. The literal translation of the Ouseley MS. at Oxford with a rendering into English verse by C.S. Tute. Exeter, Lee, 1926.

Verse renderings of selected quatrains from the Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam by R.C. and C.S. Tute. Jubbulpore, 1932. A selection of 63 quatrains after Heron-Allen.. First printed 1903.

Omar Khayyâm. Rubaiyat. Metrisch vertaald door J.A. Vooren. Met een inleiding van E.F. Tijdens. Tweede, herziene en vermeerderde druk. Deventer, Kluwer, 1966. 158 quatrains after Heron-Allen.

Les quatrains d'Omar Khayyam (adaptation versifiée). Renaud Mercier. Printed on demand, 2014. 158 quatrains after Heron-Allen.