Bodleian quatrain nr. 5
Anet 1957 70
Une coupe fine que le vin a remplie
même un homme ivre n'ose la briser?
Tant de têtes et tant de pieds délicats,
par quel amour ont-ils été réunis? par quelle haine séparés?
Cadell 1899 1
Since none can promise thee to-morrow's light,
Make glad, my love, thy weary heart to-night;
Yea, by the moonlight nectar's goblet drain,
For many moons will seek us, but in vain.
Christensen 1927 50
Since nobody gives [thee] surety of To-morrow, by
now make merry this sorrowful heart.
Drink wine by the light of the moon, o Moon, for many
times the moon will shine, and it will not find us here.
Cowell 1858 10
Since none can promise himself to-morrow,
Make that forlorn heart of thine glad today;
Drink wine, fair moon-faced, by the light of yon moon,
For oft shall it look for us and find us not.
FitzGerald 1859 2
Dreaming when Dawn's Left Hand was in the Sky
I heard a Voice within the Tavern cry,
"Awake, my Little ones, and fill the Cup
"Before Life's Liquor in its Cup be dry."
FitzGerald 1859 74
Ah, Moon of my Delight who know'st no wane,
The Moon of Heav'n is rising once again:
How oft hereafter rising shall she look
Through this same Garden after me---in vain!
Garner 1898 45
And since the future's riddles none can guess,
Come, fill the cup, the cup that drowns distress,
Ah, love, yon Moon will often rise again,
Will rise and miss us in her lonelines.
Grolleau 1902 5
Puisque nul ici ne peut te garantir un lendemain,
Rends heureux maintenant ton coeur malade d'amour.
Au clair de lune, bois du vin, car cet astre
Nous cherchera demain et ne nous verra plus.
Heron-Allen 1898 5
Since no one will guarantee thee a to-morrow,
make thou happy now this love-sick heart;
drink wine in the moonlight, O Moon, for the moon
shall seek us long and shall not find us.
De Marthold 1910 5
Puisque nul ici bas n'est sûr du lendemain,
Livre à l'amour ton coeur atteint du mal humain.
Au clair de lune, bois, bois du vin car cet astre,
Demain en nous cherchant, pourrait chercher en vain.
McCarthy 1889 9
Nicolas 1867 8
Puisque personne ne saurait te répondre du jour de demain, empresse-toi de réjouir ton coeur plein de tristesse; bois, ô lune adorable! bois dans une coupe vermeille, car la lune du firmament tournera bien longtemps (autour de la terre), sans nous y retrouver.
Payne 1898 4
Since none for the morrow thy warrant will be,
Give thy sorrowful soul for the present to glee;
Drink wine in the moonlight, O Moon, for the moon
Will shine yet full often nor find thee and me.
Von der Porten 1927 5
Da niemand uns das Morgen heut' verspricht,
Trag jetzt in düstre Herzenskammer Licht,
Schenk ein den Wein im Mondenschein! Der Mond
Wird oft uns suchen und entdeckt uns nicht.
Roe 1906 110
Drink 'neath the moonbeams, greet me with a song;
To-night we live, sweet moon, and love is strong;
To-morrow, when we lie beneath the sod,
The moon shall seek us, and shall seek us long.
Rosen 1928 2
As no promise of a morn is ever given us,
Gladden for a moment this melancholy heart.
Drink wine, my Moon, in the light of the moon, for the moon
Will shine, time without end, and find us no more.
Von Schack 1878 96
Da die Tage unsres Lebens rasch und unaufhaltsam schwinden,
Da, ob morgen wir noch atmen, Keiner uns vermag zu künden,
Laß, o du mein Mond, uns froh sein! Ach der Mond da droben wird
Oft noch um die Erde kreisen, ohne uns auf ihr zu finden!
Talbot 1908 5
O, Queen of night, for whom my spirit yearns,
Drink of the wine of life while yet life burns!
How know'st thou that thou art not the one
To whom no moon or morrow e'er returns?
Thompson 1906 26
Since no one can the morrow guarantee.
To-day this woeful heart make glad in thee;
Drink wine in moonlight, O Moon, for the moon
Will shine full often nor find thee nor me.
Tirtha 1941 IX.93
As none can drill the morrow left or right,
Thy perplexed heart may once and now delight.
Effulge, O Moon, Thy joyous light, for moon
May wax and glow but never reach our height?
Whinfield 1883 7
Since no one can assure thee of the morrow,
Rejoice thy heart to-day, and banish sorrow
With moonbright wine, fair moon, for heaven's moon
Will look for us in vain on many a morrow.
- DASHTI 1969 - 63
- FURUGHI 1942 - 2
- GRAVES 1968 - 106
- GUY 1935 - 3
- HEDAYAT 1934 - 112
- HERON-ALLEN 1899 - 100
- KASRA 1975 - 2
- MAHFUZ 1939 - 1
- SAIDI 1991 - 15
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 2