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Nr. 29

Calcutta nr. 29

(Being) neither fit for the prayer carpet nor worthy of the mosque
God knows from what he fashioned my clay
I am like an infidel darvish & like an ugly courtesan
(Having) neither faith nor country, nor hope of heaven.

Nicolas 1867 - 57
Je ne suis digne ni de l'enfer, ni du séjour céleste; Dieu sait de quelle terre il m'a pétri. Je suis hérétique comme un derviche, laid comme une femme perdue; je n'ai ni religion, ni fortune, ni espérance du paradis.

Payne 1898 - 108
I'm neither fit for mosque nor apt for convent-cell;
Lewd as a whore, at once dervish and infidel;
Sans faith or fortune, hope of heaven or fear of hell,
God only of what clay He kneaded me can tell.

Thompson 1906 - 101
Unfit to mosque or synagogue to go,
God only of what clay I 'm mixed can know;
Like sceptic dervish or like ugly bawd.
No hope have I above, no faith below.

Whinfield 1883 - 60
From mosque an outcast, and to church a foe.
Allah! of what clay didst thou form me so ?
Like sceptic monk, or ugly courtesan,
No hopes have I above, no joys below.