Nr. 8
Calcutta nr. 8
No man is he whom his fellow men spurn
And (at the same time) for fear of his malice number among the good
If a drunkard shows reluctance in generosity
All his fellow drunkards hold him to be a mean fellow.
Heron-Allen 1899 - 115
No man is he whom his fellow men spurn,
And (at the same time) for fear of his malice number among the good;
If a drunkard shows reluctance in generosity,
All his fellow drunkards hold him to be a mean fellow.
Payne 1899 - 416
He is no man, to my thought, whom the folk hold in scorn and despite
And natheless repute him good for fear of his unright:
A toper with generous men who useth back-handedness
Topers all hold him a hand-back, to wit, a catamite.
Thompson 1906 - 824
He is no man whom people all despise,
Yet they count good, fearing his injuries;
The drinker who withholds a generous hand,
Is a mean chap in every drinker's eyes.