Bodleian quatrain nr. 10

Cadell 1899 35
O pity me the heart where no fires be,
That is not sorrow-stamped with pure love's kiss.
That day you drink not wine, remember this,
That day is lost, no day is it to thee.
Christensen 1927 22
Alas for that heart in which there is no fire [of love],
which is not struck with distress for a heart-cheering being!
The day that thou spendest without wine, no day is
more lost to thee than that day.
Grolleau 1902 10
Ah! malheur à ce coeur d'où la passion est absente,
Qui n'est pas sous le charme de l'amour, joie du coeur!
Le jour que tu passes sans amour
Ne mérite pas que le soleil l'éclairé et que la lune le console.
Heron-Allen 1898 10
Ah, woe to that heart in which there is no passion,
which is not spell-bound by the love of a heart-cheerer!
the day that thou spendest without love,
there is no day more useless to thee than that day.
De Marthold 1910 10
Ah! malheur à ce coeur d'où l'amour est absent,
Qui n'est pas sous son charme et qui ne le ressent!
Jour passé sans amour mérite, jour sans joie,
Que lune ni soleil lui soit compatissant.
Von der Porten 1927 10
Weh' dem, der ohne Leidenschaft geboren,
Der nie der Liebe Zauber sich erkoren:
Der Tag, der ohne Liebe dir vergeht,
Ist ein für allemal für dich verloren.
Rosen 1928 22
Oh woe to the heart in which there is no burning,
Which is not maddened by a passion that kindles the heart.
No day is more wasted and lost for you
Than the day which has passed without love.
Talbot 1908 10
Ah! woeful is the heart from passion free,
And sweet the pain of lovers' misery!
If thou hast spent a day bereft of Love,
For evermore that day is lost to thee.
Thompson 1906 164
Out on that heart wherein love hath no sway
Nor love-mad to the witching one a prey;
The day that thou dost pass devoid of love.
For thee is none more wasted than that day.
Tirtha 1941 VIII.8
The heart which maddens not with Master’s spell
And pineth not for him, is bloody fell
The day you neither think of Lord nor Word
A worser day you may not find in Hell.
Whinfield 1883 117
Alas for that cold heart, which never glows
With love, nor e'er that charming madness knows;
The days misspent with no redeeming love; -
No days are wasted half as much as those!
- MAHFUZ 1939 - 86
- SAIDI 1991 - 17
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 71