Bodleian quatrain nr. 11

Cadell 1899 - 8
To-day, which is the season of my youth,
I drink, for in that is my happiness;
Slander not wine as bitter, for 'tis sweet;
In me, my life alone is bitterness.
Grolleau 1902 - 11
Aujourd'hui refleurit la saison de ma jeunesse;
J'ai le désir de ce vin d'où me vient toute joie.
Ne me blâme pas: même âpre il m'enchante;
Il est âpre parce qu'il a le goût de ma vie.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 11
To-day being the season of my youth,
I desire wine, for thence comes my happiness;
reproach me not, even though acrid it is pleasant;
it is acrid in that it represents my life.
De Marthold 1901 - 11
Aujourd'hui refleurit l'élan de ma jeunesse,
J'ai désir de ce vin d'où me vient toute ivresse,
Et ne me blâme pas si, même âpre, il me plaît.
Très âpre, car il a le goût de ma détresse.
Nicolas 1867 - 24
Puisque c'est aujourd'hui mon tour de jeunesse, j'entends le passer à boire du vin, car tel est mon bon plaisir. N'allez pas, à cause de son amertume, médire de ce délicieux jus, car il est agréable, et il n'est amer que parce qu'il est ma vie.
Von der Porten 1927 - 11
Der Sturm der Jugend schüttelt meine Glieder;
Bringt Wein herbei! er bringt des Frohsinns Lieder!
Werft mir nicht vor: Süß-saurem sei ich hold,
Süß-sauer spiegelt ja mein Leben wider.
Talbot 1908 - 11
To-day with Youth's effulgency I shine,
And taste the Joy of Life in Youth's own Wine
Sneer not because I find it bitter-sweet;
There lies its likeness to this life of mine.
Thompson 1906 - 61
Now 't is young manhood's season, I design,
Since it makes glad my heart, to quaff my wine.
Chide not the grape, though bitter yet 't is sweet,
'T is bitter since it is this life of mine.
Tirtha 1941 - III.63
When still so young, and time has left some scope,
I take to wine and thus attain my hope.
Why call it bitter? I relish it so;
I like my bitter life and do not mope!
Whinfield 1883 - 28
Now with its joyful prime my age is rife,
I quaff enchanting wine, and list to fife;
Chide not at wine for all its bitter taste,
Its bitterness sorts well with human life!
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 13