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Bodleian quatrain nr. 110

Cadell 1899 - 139
Dearest, arise! 'tis for pure wine I seek
That ruby colour'd I may make my cheek;
Fling in my face, though I should sleeping lie,
That which can give us wisdom's ecstasy.

Grolleau 1902 - 110
Il me faut me lever pour chercher le vin pur.
Toi, donne à mes joues la couleur du jujubier.
Si la raison me tourmente encore, je lui cracherai au visage
Une gorgée de vin... pour qu'elle dorme!

Heron-Allen 1898 - 110
Let me arise and seek pure wine,
make thou the colour of my cheek like that of the jujube fruit,
as for this meddling intellect, a fist-full of wine
will I throw in its face, to make it sleep.

De Marthold 1910 - 110
Il me faut me lever pour chercher le vin pur,
Donne-moi ta couleur, fruit du jujubier mûr.
Je te crache au visage, à toi, raison menteuse,
Du vin, pour que raison dorme d'un sommeil sûr.

Von der Porten 1927 - 110
Laßt mich die Hand nach unverfalschtem Weine strecken,
Daß sich die Wangen mit Dschudschubis Farb' bedecken,
Laßt mich dem ruhelosen Intellekt den Wein
Ins Antlitz schütten, und er wird mich nicht mehr wecken.

Talbot 1908 - 110
Let me arise, and in pure wine drink deep,
And bid my cheeks their ripe-fruit colour keep
Then will I throw in meddling Reason's face
Sufficient wine to make her fall asleep.

Thompson 1906 - 84
I will arise intent pure wine to sip,
My cheek's hue make red as the loved one's lip;
This busy mind—a fist well filled with wine
Into its face I'll throw to make it sleep!

Tirtha 1941 - IX.29
I rise up now—and have His purest Word,
With beaming face I’ll be a humming bird;
This meddling wit which winds in fantasies,
Has dropped in sleep no sooner Word it heard.

  • DASHTI 1969 - 10
  • FURUGHI 1942 - 124
  • HEDAYAT 1934 - 52
  • KASRA 1975 - 124