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Bodleian quatrain nr. 119

Cadell 1899 - 140
A corner and two cakes as this world's gain
I'll choose, from hope of wealth and power refrain;
I'll purchase poverty with heart and soul,
For that I see is of true wealth the whole.

Cowell 1858 - 14
Of all the world my choice is two crusts and a corner,
I have severed my desires from power and its pomp;
I have bought me poverty with heart and soul,
For I have found the true riches in poverty.

Grolleau 1902 - 119
Nous avons préféré au monde un petit coin et deux pains,
Et nous nous sommes sevrés du désir de sa fortune et de sa magnificence.
Nous avons acheté la pauvreté avec notre coeur et notre âme;
Nous avons, dans la pauvreté, découvert de grandes richesses.

Heron-Allen 1898 - 119
We have preferred a corner and two loaves to the world,
and we have put away greed of its estate and magnificence;
we have bought poverty with our heart and soul —
in poverty we have discerned great riches.

De Marthold 1910 - 119
Au monde préférant du pain et des caresses,
Dédaignant la fortune et ses fausses liesses,
Nous avons acheté l'obscure pauvreté,
Nos coeurs y découvrant d'innombrables richesses.

Von der Porten 1927 - 119
Für Brot und eine Nische kehrten wir den Rücken
Der Welt und ließen uns von Gütern nicht bedrücken.
Wir kauften unsre Armut mit dem Blut des Herzens
Und fanden durch die Armut Güter, die beglücken.

Talbot 1908 - 119
We chose dry bread and privacy, before
The luxury that wealth may have in store.
We have bought poverty with heart and soul,
And poverty hath but enrich'd us more.

Thompson 1906 - 107
A corner and two loaves our choice make we.
We 've put aside earth's pomp and vanity;
We have bought poverty with heart and soul,
In poverty great riches do we see!

Tirtha 1941 - X.49
Two crumbs and corner, this is all I take,
The rest in world I leave for Beloved’s sake;
I purchased poverty with heart and soul,
But see, in this, the fortune I make.