Bodleian quatrain nr. 14

Cadell 1899 - 41
The world by joy has o'ercome sorrow's death,
Each living heart turns from the desert drear;
On every branch to-day white blooms appear,
And full of life is every clamorous breath.
Grolleau 1902 - 14
Celui qui n'a pas vu croître et mûrir pour lui le fruit de Vérité,
Ne marche pas d'un pied ferme sur la Route.
Quiconque inclina vers soi l'arbre de la science,
Sait qu'aujourd'hui est comme hier et demain comme le Premier Jour.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 14
For him for whom the fruit ot the branch of truth has not grown,
the reason is that he is not firm in the Road.
Every one has feebly shaken with his hand the bough of truth.
Know that to-day is like yesterday, and that to-morrow is like the First Day of Creation.
De Marthold 1901 - 14
Celui qui n'a pu mordre au fruit de vérité
Marche d'un pied timide, atteint de cécité.
Quiconque s'abrita sous l'arbre de science
Sait tous les jours pareils de toute éternité.
Von der Porten 1927 - 14
Die Frucht vom Wahrheitsbaum bleibt dem versagt,
Der auf dem Wege zweifelt und verzagt,
Wir schlagen schwach nach irgendeinem Aste,
Doch heut' wird gestern, wenn der Morgen tagt.
Rosen 1928 -64
You say no fruit has grown on the Tree of Knowledge
Because no one is in the right path.
Every hand has grasped a fragile bough;
Know that to-day is as yesterday and to-morrow as the first day.
Talbot 1908 - 14
Truth's branches bear good fruit for all who seek;
They shake in vain who shake with hands too weak.
To-day resembles Yesterday, but lo!
Creation's voice shall in To-morrow speak.
Thompson 1906 - 869
The fruit of truth on earth can never grow.
Since in this path none rightly e'er doth go;
All feebly grasp the brittle branch: regard
To-day as past, as first to-morrow know.
Tirtha 1941 - VII.157
In world the fruit of truth will never grow,
Because they know not where and what to sow;
They dangle each as bats on fruitless bows,
They are the fools they were, and will be so.
Whinfield 1883 - 115
The fruit of certitude he can not pluck,
The path that leads thereto who never struck,
Nor ever shook the bough with strenuous hand;
To-day is lost; hope for to morrow's luck.
- CHRISTENSEN 1903 - 92