Bodleian quatrain nr. 13

Bodenstedt 1881 - VI.2
Dies ist die Zeit, wo die Welt sich schmückt mit Grün,
Wo, wie Mosis Hand, alle Zweige von Knospen glühn,
Wo die Pflanzen sprossen wie von Jesu Odem belebt
Und die Wolke weinend sich selbst begräbt!
Cadell 1899 - 40
The world by joy has o'ercome sorrow's death,
Each living heart turns from the desert drear;
On every branch to-day white blooms appear,
And full of life is every clamorous breath.
FitzGerald 1859 -4
Now the New Year reviving old Desires,
The thoughtful Soul to Solitude retires,
Where the WHITE HAND OF MOSES on the Bough
Puts out, and Jesus from the Ground suspires.
Garcin de Tassy 1857 - 2
La joie règne dans le monde; mais le spiritualiste se retire dans le désert. Là, chaque branche fleurie lui représente la blanche main de Moïse, et chaque souffle de vent l'haleine vivifiante du Messie.
Garner 1898 - 42
Snow white like Moses' hand the branches grow,
While clouds rain tears upon the earth below;
The tender buds revived by Jesus' breath,
Upon the air their subtile fragrance throw.
Grolleau 1902 - 13
Voici maintenant pour le monde un peu de bonheur possible,
Chaque coeur vivant a des aspirations vers la solitude.
Sur chaque branche, on croit apercevoir la blanche main de Moïse;
Chaque brise semble vivifiée par le souffle de Jésus.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 13
Now that there is a possibility of happiness for the world,
every living heart has yearnings towards the desert,
upon every bough is the appearance of Moses' hand,
in every breeze is the exhalation of Jesus' breath.
De Marthold 1901 - 13
Voici que du bonheur pour l'homme se dessine,
Tout coeur vers l'oasis du doux repos incline.
Sur chaque branche on croit, Moïse, voir ta main,
Chaque brise s'embaume à l'haleine divine.
Payne 1898 - 454
Now the world for the Spring once more apt to delight is,
To the meads each one's heart turns that livesome of spright is:
Each tree-bough with blossom as Moses' hand white is;
Each breath a new Jesus-breathed one come to light is.
Von der Porten 1927 - 13
Ringsum die Welt in lenzesfrohem Taumel lacht.
Auch den, der weltlos, lockt hinaus des Keimens Macht,
Wie Moses Hand treibt weiße Blüten jeder Zweig,
Ein jeder Hauch, wie Jesu Atem, ruft: Erwacht!
Roe 1906 -7
But lo, without, the year is young and fair,
And yearning hearts to stilly meads repair;
The hand of Musa shines on ev'ry bough,
The breath of 'Isa rises on the air.
Talbot 1908 - 13
The world sighs out for Happiness, and saith
"The very desert liveth: where is Death?"
The hand of Moses blooms on many a bough,
And every breeze is sweet with Jesus' breath.
Thompson 1906 - 162
Now o'er the earth that joyousness prevails,
Each living heart the fields with yearning hails;
On each branch is the show of Moses' hand.
And every zephyr Jesus' sigh exhales.
Tirtha 1941 - III.6
Now that the world has reached her fortune tide,
The quickened hearts in forests do abide;
And there the leaflets preach them Word of Lord,
And breath of Jesus greets from every side.
Whinfield 1883 - 116
Now spring-tide showers its foison on the land,
And lively hearts wend forth, a joyous band,
For 'Isa's breath wakes the dead earth to life,
And trees gleam white with flowers, like Musa's hand.
- CHRISTENSEN 1903 - 37
- SAIDI 1991 - 2
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 70