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Bodleian quatrain nr. 146

Anet 1957 - 117
Hier, j’ai brisé ma cruche sur une pierre.
J’ètais ivre quand j’ai fait cette folie.
Les morceaux de la cruche m’ont dit à leur manière:
“J’ètais comme toi. Tu seras comme moi.”

Christensen 1927 - 36
Against the stone, last night, I flung the wine-bowl of
faience. I was drunk when I did that brutal action.
The bowl said to me in the language of bowls: 'I was
what thou art, thou also shall be what I am."

Cowell 1858 - 29
Last night I dashed my clay cup on the stone,
And at the reckless freak my heart was glad,
When with a voice for the moment out spake the cup,
"I was once as thou and thou shalt be as I!"

Grolleau 1902 - 146
Hier soir, j'ai brisé ma coupe contre une pierre...
La tête me tourna d'avoir pu faire une telle chose,
Et la coupe m'a dit dans sa langue mystique:
“J'ai été comme toi, tu seras comme moi un jour.”

Heron-Allen 1898 - 146
I smote the glass wine-cup upon a stone last night,
my head was turned that I did so base a thing;
the cup said to me in mystic language,
"I was like thee, and thou also wilt be like me."

De Marthold 1910 - 146
Hier, j'ai brisé ma tasse au mur avec fracas,
Fou d'avoir employé pour tel crime mon bras.
Et la tasse, vraiment, a bien semblé me dire:
"Si comme toi je fus, comme moi tu seras."

Nicolas 1867 - 404
Hier au soir j'ai brisé contre une pierre la coupe en fäience. J'étais ivre en commettant cet acte d'insensé. Cette coupe semblait me dire: "J'ai été semblable à toi, tu seras à ton tour semblable à moi."

Von der Porten 1927 - 146
Mein Glas zerschlug am Stein ich weingelaunt,
Und ob des Frevels bin ich jetzt erstaunt.
"Ich war wie du, und du wirst sem wie ich."
Die Scherbe hat's geheimnisvoll geraunt.

Rosen 1928 - 299
Yesterday I knocked my earthenware wine-jug against a stone.
I must have been incbriated to have committed such an offence.
It seemed as if the jug thus spoke to me:
"I have been as thou and thou wilt be as I".

Talbot 1908 - 146
Last night I smote the winecup on a stone;
For such mad folly how may I atone?
The shatter'd cup, in mystic language, said,
"I was like thee, my fate shall be thine own."

Thompson 1906 - 554
Last night the cup I dashed against a stone.
Base was the act, my head with wine was flown.
The cup cried out to me in mystic tone,
“I was like thee, my case will be thine own."

Tirtha 1941 - V.31
In frolic once on stone I dashed a pot,
Alas! such wanton freaks come from a sot;
The pot then told me as if in a trance:
“Like thee I was, like me now find thy lot.”

Whinfield 1883 - 446
Last night I dashed my cup against a stone,
In a mad drunken freak, as I must own,
And lo! the cup cries out in agony,
"You too, like me, shall soon be overthrown."

  • ARBERRY 1949 - 58
  • ARBERRY 1952 - 94
  • BOWEN 1961 - 34
  • DASHTI 1969 - 40
  • FURUGHI 1942 - 164
  • HEDAYAT 1934 - 67
  • KASRA 1975 - 164
  • SAIDI 1991 - 81
  • WHINFIELD 1882 - 231