Bodleian quatrain nr. 18

Cadell 1899 - 45
How long shall I throw bricks upon the surface of the sea?
I am disgusted with the idol-worshippers of the pagoda.
Khayyám! who can say that he will be a denizen of hell,
who ever went to hell, and who ever came from heaven?
Christensen 1927 - 64
How long shall I pile up bricks upon the surface of
the sea? I am sick of the idolaters of the temple.
Who has said that Khayyám shall be a denizen of
Hell? Who has ever gone to Hell and who has come from Paradise?
Grolleau 1902 - 18
Combien de temps jetterai-je des pierres dans la mer!
Je suis écoeuré des idolâtres de la pagode:
Kháyyám! qui peut assurer qu'il habitera l'Enfer?
Qui donc jamais visita l'Enfer? qui, jamais revint du Ciel?
Heron-Allen 1898 - 18
How long shall I throw bricks upon the surface of the sea?
I am disgusted with the idol-worshippers of the pagoda.
Khayyám! who can say that he will be a denizen of hell,
who ever went to hell, and who ever came from heaven?
De Marthold 1910 - 18
Jetterais-je longtemps des pierres dans la mer?
L'idolâtre mensonge à mon coeur est amer.
Khayyâm, qui pourrait dire où s'en ira son âme?
Qui s'en revint du Ciel? Qui visita l'Enfer?
Payne 1898 - 208
How long shall I make bricks upon the surging sea?
l'm weary of the folk and their idolatry:
The silver-breasted Magian maids for me to-night!
Give me but wine and wench: what's Heaven or Heil to me!
Von der Porten 1927 - 18
Wie wertlos ist's, laß Kiesel in den See ich fliegen,
Mich ekelt's, wenn verzückt vorm Feuer Ketzer liegen.
Chajjâm! Wer kann, daß er zur Hölle geht, behaupten?
Wer ist der Hölle, wer dem Himmel je entstiegen?
Roe 1906 - 27
How long shall I throw bricks upon the sea?
I scorn such tricks of vain idolatry!
Say not Khayyam is surely doomed to Hell.
Who knows of Hell, or Heav'n, or if they be?
Rosen 1928 - 29
How much longer shall I build unbaked bricks on the oceans?
I have become wearied with the idol-worshippers and the Church.
Who has said that Khayyám will be an inmate of Hell?
Who has gone to Hell and who has returned from Paradise?
Talbot 1908 - 18
How long shall I throw pebbles on the sea?
What are the Idol-worshippers to me?
Who says "Khayyám is surely doomed to Hell?"
Hast thou been there? Hath heaven rejected thee?
Thompson 1906 - 158
How long shall I make bricks upon the sea?
Idolater and temple weary me;
Who says Khayyam in Hell is sure to be?
Sometimes to Hell, sometimes to Heaven goes he.
Tirtha 1941 - X.77
Away with vanities, or paving sea,
No idols I worship, so I am free;
To-night I stay with graceful lads of Shrine,
In hell or heav’n I see Him, Him I see.
Whinfield 1883 - 111
How long must I make bricks upon the sea?
Beshrew this vain task of idolatry;
Call not Khayyám a denizen of hell;
One while in heaven, and one in hell is he.
- FURUGHI 1942 - 21
- HEDAYAT 1934 - 6
- KASRA 1975 - 21