Bodleian quatrain nr. 25

Cadell 1899 - 25
When a fair face is by me in the spring
To fill my cup beside the desert's brink;
(Though this, my saying, doubtless you will blame)
Worse than a hound were I of heaven to think.
Christensen 1905 - 36
Si dans la saison printanière je bois une cruche de vin au bord du champ, en compagnie d'une idole faite comme les houris, [je dis,] - quand même cela sonnerait mal aux oreilles de la canaille, - que je serais pire qu'au chien, si je me souciais du paradis!
Christensen 1927 - 39
If, in the time of spring, an idol, houri-shaped, gives
me a cup of wine on the bank of the field.
— however much this saying may jar on the ears of the
vulgar —I were worse than a dog, cared I for Paradise.
Grolleau 1902 - 25
Si, dans la saison du printemps, un être aux formes de houri
Me verse, sur le vert talus d'un champ, un gobelet plein de vin,
Bien que ceci puisse à tous sembler étrange:
Un chien vaut mieux que moi si je prononce alors le nom du Ciel.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 25
If in the season of spring a being, houri-shaped,
gives me on the green bank of a field a goblet full of wine,
(though to everyone this saying may seem uncouth)
a dog is better than I am if thenceforth I pronounce the name of heaven.
De Marthold 1910 - 25
Au printemps si quelqu'être au corps célestiel
Me verse dans les champs un vin plus doux que miel,
Je dis, quand je devrais déplaire à la canaille,
Je serais moins qu'un chien si je pensais au ciel.
Porten (Von der) 1927 - 25
Wenn mir im Lenz auf üpp'gen Rasenflächen
Ein Weib den Krug voll Wein kredenzt zum Zechen,
Wär' schlechter als ein Hund ich, würd' ich's wagen,
Den Namen meines Gottes auszusprechen.
Rosen 1928 - 47
If in the Spring a lovely one fair as a houri
Hands me a goblet on the edge of a sown field,
However much this may scandalize the people,
I should be worse than a dog if in such a moment I should remember Paradise.
Talbot 1908 - 25
If in the Spring, she whom I love so well
Meet me by some green bank - the truth I tell -
Bringing my thirsty soul a cup of wine,
I want no better Heaven, nor fear a Hell.
Thompson 1906 - 648
If one as Houri fair by marge of lea,
In Springtime sweet a brimming cup give me,
Though men this speech deem bad, if then I call
On Heaven, than I a dog would better be!
Tirtha 1941- X.81
The spring, and angel, brook, and jug of wine,
Your heaven is made when four would here combine;
Were I to gasp for heav’n and drop this bit,
Excuse me please—for worse than dog I whine.
- ARBERRY 1952 - 122
- FURUGHI 1942 - 35
- KASRA 1975 - 35
- MAHFUZ 1939 - 55
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 39