Bodleian quatrain nr. 28

Cadell 1899 51b
"You long for joy," my spirit said to me,
"Then show me that you gladness comprehend."
I answered: "a -." He stopped me; "Hold there, end,
One letter is enough if wit there be."
Christensen 1905 86
Mon coeur me dit: "Je désire la science inspirée, apprends-la-moi, si tu en es capable".
Je dis: "Alif suffit, ne dis plus rien; s'il y a quelqu'un dans la maison, cette seule lettre suffit."
Grolleau 1902 28
Mon coeur me dit: "J'ai le désir ardent d'une science inspirée;
Instruis-moi, si tu en es capable."
Je dis l'Alif; mon coeur reprit: "N'en dis pas davantage;
Si le Un est dans la maison, c'est assez d'une lettre."
Heron-Allen 1898 28
My heart said to me:— "I have a longing for inspired knowledge;
teach me if thou art able."
I said the Alif. My heart said :— "Say no more.
If One is in the house, one letter is enough."
De Marthold 1910 28
Mon coeur me dit: "Je veux la sainte lumière,
"Instruis-moi, si tu peux, de la science entière;"
"Je dis l'Alif. "Alors mon coeur: "N'ajoute rien!
"Si la foi loge en toi, suffit d'Une prière".
Von der Porten 1927 28
Mein Innres sprach: "Ich will das Wissen, das nicht trügt,
"Bist du's, der über solche Wissenschaft verfügt?"
Ich sprach: "das Alif." "Weitren Worts bedarf es nicht,
"Denn wo das Eine ist, das Eine sich genügt."
Talbot 1908 28
Then inspiration from on High I sought,
Asking that Knowledge might to me be brought;
But presently my heart said,"Pray no more!
The power of Prayer is all, the Prayer is naught!"
Thompson 1906 156
My spirit whispered, "I crave Heavenly lore;
Instruct me then I beg if thou hast power."
Quoth I, "Alif will do, to him who knows
One letter is enough, seek thou no more!"
Tirtha 1941 VII.151
My heart desired to know the mystic lore,
It bade me teach it, as if I knew more;
I said: "Alif" cries heart: "Stop further speech,
If there be wit the Word will eat the core."
Whinfield 1883 109
Once and again my soul did me implore,
To teach her, if I might, the heavenly lore;
I bade her learn the Alif well by heart
Who knows that letter well need learn no more.
- HERON-ALLEN 1899 - 49c
- HERON-ALLEN 1899 - 50c
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 63