Bodleian quatrain nr. 43

Anet 1957 - 36
Oú fleurit un coquelicot écarlate
a coulé jadis le sang d'un empereur.
Chaque violette qui sort de la terre
vient du grain de beauté au visage d'un adolescent.
Cadell 1899 - 51
Where e'er the tulips or the roses bloom,
Know that they sprout where blood of kings hat flowed;
Each violet tuft that bursts in fresh perfume,
Was once a mole where Beauty's visage glowed.
Christensen 1905 - 67
Partout où il y a une rose ou un parterre de tulipes, ces fleurs sont produites par le sang rouge d'un prince.
Chaque pétale de violette qui pousse de la terre, est un grain de beauté qui a été sur la joue d'une belle femme.
Christensen 1927 - 46
In every plain where there was a tulip-bed, the tulips
have sprung from the blood of a king.
Every shoot of the violet which grows from the earth
is a beauty-spot that has [once] been on the cheek of a fair one.
Cowell 1858 - 4
Wheresoever is rose or tulip-bed,
Its redness comes from the blood of kings,
Every violet stalk that sprlngs from the earth,
Was once a mole on a loved one's cheek.
FitzGerald 1859 - 18
I sometimes think that never blows so red
The Rose as where some buried Cæsar bled;
That every Hyacinth the Garden wears
Dropt in its Lap from some once lovely Head.
Garner 1898 - 64
The place where you a bed of tulips seek
Did erstwhile with the blood of Bahram reek,
And every purple leaf the violet bears
Was once a mole on some fair maiden's cheek.
Grolleau 1902 - 43
Partout où se voit une robe ou un parterre de tulipes,
Fut répandu jadis le sang d'un roi:
Chaque tige jaillissant du sol,
C'est le signe qui orna la joue d'une beauté.
Von Hammer 1818 - 16
Wo Tulpen auf den Feldern sproßen,
Trank jeder Fleck das Blut der Großen.
Die Veilchen, die auf Wiesen prangen,
Sind Muttermaale schöner Wangen.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 43
Everywhere that there has been a rose or tulip-bed,
there has been spilled the crimson blood of a king;
every violet shoot that grows from the earth
is a mole that was once upon the cheek of a beauty.
De Marthold 1910 - 43
Où fleurit la tulipe en magnifique arroi
Fut répandu jadis le sang de quelque roi,
Et, jaillissant du sol, toute rose est le signe
Ayant orné le teint d'une belle en émoi.
Payne 1898 - 109
Each tulip abloom in the meadows that seen is
From the blood of some prince or some sultan its sheen is;
Each violet, that springs from the heart of the greensward,
A mole from the cheek of some fair that hath been is.
Von der Porten 1927 - 43
Wo eine Rose oder Tulpe sproß,
Das rote Blut einst eines Kaisers floß;
Wo aus der Erde jetzt ein Veilchen lugt,
Ein Grab sich über zartem Magdlein schloß.
Roe 1906 - 12
O'er beauty's grave the gentle zephyr blows,
From beauty's cheek the blue-eyed violet grows;
And see, where royal crimson stained the sod,
The flaming tulip blossoms near the rose.
Rosen 1928 - 48
Wherever in the desert a bed of tulips has sprung,
Those tulips have been an Emperor's blood.
Wherever a violet grows out of the earth,
It is a beauty-spot which once has been on the face of a beloved.
Von Schack 1878 - 101
Erblickt ihr eine Rose, prächtig rot,
So denkt: darunter ruht ein mächt'ger König tot;
Und seht ihr einen Krokus blüh'n, so glaubt:
Ein schönes Weib, nun tot, verlor ihn einst vom Haupt.
Talbot 1908 - 43
Be wise: thou canst not see what Fate portends;
Be arm'd against the sharpened sword she sends;
Feast not upon the sweets she offers thee,
For poison with the sugar oft she blends.
Thompson 1906 - 152
Where'er there is a rose or tulip bed.
From some King's blood it takes its hue of red ;
Each violet leaf that springs from earth was once
A mole that decked the cheek of some fair maid.
Tirtha 1941 - V.21
This jungle tulip rushing out in fray
Is blood which raised a Kaiser of his day;
And violet petals peeping from the earth
Are moles which decked the cheeks of maiden's gay.
Whinfield 1883 - 104
Where'er you see a rose or tulip bed,
Know that a mighty monarch's blood was shed
And where the violet rears her purple tuft,
Be sure a black-moled girl hath laid her head.
- ARBERRY 1952 - 247
- FURUGHI 1942 49
- GRAVES 1968 - 19
- HERON-ALLEN 1899 - 19
- KASRA 1975 - 49
- SAIDI 1991 - 95