Bodleian quatrain nr. 79

Cadell 1899 - 85
Drink, for thy body in the earth shall dwell,
And of that dust shall cups and jugs be made;
Keep thyself free from thoughts of Heaven and Hell;
The wise man can such cheating words evade.
Grolleau 1902 - 79
Bois du vin, ton corps un jour sera poussière,
Et de cette poussière on fera des coupes et des jarres...
Sois sans souci du Ciel et de l'Enfer:
Pourquoi le sage se troublerait-il de telles choses?
Heron-Allen 1898 - 79
Drink wine, for thy body becomes atoms in the earth,
thine earth, after that, becomes goblets and jars;
be thou heedless of hell and heaven,
why should a wise man be deceived about such things?
De Marthold 1910 - 79
Bois du vin car un jour ton corps sera poussière
Dont on fera vaisseau, jarre, tasse, aiguière.
Sois sans souci du Ciel, sans souci de l'Enfer:
Le sage tremble-t-il en regardant sa bière?
Von der Porten 1927 - 79
Du wirst als Staub im Staub der Erde liegen,
Die Erde wird zu Ton, und Ton zu Krügen,
Was geht dich Hölle oder Himmel an,
Der Aberwitz kann Weise nicht betrügen.
Talbot 1908 - 79
Drink Wine, for thou shalt be resolv'd in Earth,
And, as a goblet, shalt find second birth;
Heedless be thou of Heav'n and Hell alike;
Be not deceiv'd! Hold fast to Wine and Mirth!
Thompson 1906 - 3
Drink wine! for when to dust your body turns,
Your clay becomes thereafter cups and urns,
Of Hell or Heaven reck not, for pray why should
A wise man be deceived in such concerns?
Tirtha 1941 - IX.107
Partake the Word, thy vest in dust subsides,
Thy dust as cup and jar in love abides;
So seal thy mind to thoughts of Heaven or Hell,
Devotees luckless go with all their prides.
- MAHFUZ 1939 - 121