Bodleian quatrain nr. 88

Cadell 1899 - 97
Arise and salve my dull heart's discontent,
Bring musky scented, rosy tinted wine;
As bribe to sorrow, bring the charms divine,
Wine's ruby and thy hands' soft blandishment.
Christensen 1905 - 41
Si tu désires les éléments de l'antidote de la douleur, apporte
le vin couleur de rubis et le luth aux cordes de soie.
Grolleau 1902 - 88
Debout! apporte le remède à ce coeur oppressé,
Donne le vin à l'odeur musquée, le vin couleur de rose.
Veux-tu l'antidote de la tristesse:
Apporte le vin, ce rubis, et le luth aux cordes de soie.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 88
Arise ! bring physic to this oppressed heart,
bring that musk-scented and rose-coloured wine;
if thou desirest the elements of sorrow's antidote,
bring ruby wine and the silk stringed lute.
De Marthold 1910 - 88
Debout! sers le remède au coeur lassé, morose.
Verse le vin musqué, le vin couleur de rose,
Antidote puissant à tristesse, à chagrin:
Donne le vin, rubis, et le luth, virtuose.
Von der Porten 1927 - 88
Ach komm, bring dem bedrückten Herzen Medizin,
Bring moschusduft'gen Wein, gefärbt wie ein Rubin;
Die Elemente für des Kummers Gegengift
Sind roter Wein und eine Lautenspielerin.
Talbot 1908 - 88
Bring physic to this heart with sorrow drear,
Bring wine, musk-scented, rosy-tinted, clear.
Dost thou not know of Sorrow's antidote?
Wine to thy lips, and Music to thine ear.
Thompson 1906 - 402
Arise! To this sad heart bring medicine!
Yea, that musk-scented and rose-colored wine!
Grief's antidote's ingredients v/ould'st thou have?
With red wine bring that silk stringed lute of thine!
Tirtha 1941 - VIII.126
Arise and bring Thy balm for choking heart,
Thy lucid Word its fragrance can impart;
The patent cure for sorrow as we know
Is glorious love which tunes of lute impart.