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Bodleian quatrain nr. 99

Cadell 1899 - 107
Our evil drinking trade we seek anew,
At the five lawful hours we praise not God;
But you will see us where the wine cups nod
Stretching our necks like empty skins thereto.

Christensen 1927 - 72
We have returned to the habit of debauchery. We
renounce the five daily prayers.
Wherever there is a goblet, thou mayst see us with our
necks stretched like the neck of the bottle towards it.

Grolleau 1902 - 99
Nous sommes retournés à notre débauche d'habitude,
Nous avons renoncé aux Cinq Prières.
Partout où se trouve une coupe, tu nous verras
Allonger le cou comme le cou de la bouteille.

Heron-Allen 1898 - 99
We have returned to our wonted debauch,
we have renounced—the Five Prayers!
wherever the goblet is, there thou mayst see us,
our necks stretched out like that of the bottle.

De Marthold 1910 - 99
Nous sommes retournés à la débauche vieille,
Aux Cinq Prières nous avons fermé l'oreille.
Où se trouve une tasse, ami, tu nous verras,
Le cou tendu, pareil au cou de la bouteille.

Nicolas 1867 - 230
Nous recommençons le cours de nos plaisirs et nous continuons à faire le tèkbir des cinq prières. Partout où le flacon sera présent, tu verras, semblables au goulot du flacon lui-même, nos cous vers la coupe s'allonger.

Von der Porten 1927 - 99
Wir taumeln wieder auf verbotnen Wegen,
Verzichten auf der fünf Gebete Segen,
Und unsre Hälse strecken sich, ja seht,
Wie eine Flasche dem Pokal entgegen.

Rosen 1928 - 175
Since we have taken to the ways of profligates,
We have said the burial prayer over the five devotions.
Wherever there is a cup you will see us
Stretching our necks toward it like a wine-flask.

Talbot 1908 - 99
Our old debauch we come not to revive,
Again we have renounc'd the Pray'r-times five;
Where'er the goblet is, there shall we be,
Our necks extended, each a flask alive.

Thompson 1906 - 315
Our drinking habit we 've begun anew.
And to the “Five Prayers" have we said adieu;
Where'er the goblet is, our necks stretched out
Just Hke the necks of bottles you may view.

Tirtha 1941 - IX.85
Again I take myself to mystic ways,
Yea, He is great I shout for nights and days;
And where a heart is eager like a cup,
To fill with love, as jar I bow in praise.

Whinfield 1883 - 269
Again to tavern haunts do we repair,
And say "Adieu" to the five hours of prayer;
Where'er we see a long-necked flask of wine,
We elongate our necks that wine to share.

  • MAHFUZ 1939 - 160