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Nr. 25

Calcutta nr. 25

To drink wine and be gay is my wont
To be careless alike of infidelity & faith is my faith
I said to the bride of the time “What is thy dowry ?”
She said “To be dead in the heart of the tomb is my dowry.”

Nicolas 1867 - 56
Boire du vin et me réjouir, c'est ma manière d'être. Etre indifférent pour l'hérésie comme pour la religion, c'est mon culte. J'ai demandé à cette fiancée du genre humain (le monde) quelle était sa dot; elle me répondit: Ma dot consiste dans la joie de ton coeur.

Payne 1898 - 47
Wine to drink and to live merry, still my usance it is;
And my faith of faith and unfaith ever to be quit is.
"What's thy dowry?" of the world-bride asked I, and she answered:
"Lo, my dowry all the gladness of thy heart and wit is."

Thompson 1906 - 102
My wont is to drink wine, live joyously,
My creed, from doubt and dogma to be free;
I asked the world-bride " Tell me what ’s thy dower?"
"My dowry is thy happy heart,'' said she.

Whinfield 1883 - 59
My law it is in pleasure's paths to stray,
My creed to shun the theologic fray;
I wedded Luck, and offered her a dower.
She said, "I want none, so thy heart be gay."