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Nr. 26

Calcutta nr. 26 = 85

To drink wine and be gay is my wont
To be careless alike of infidelity & faith is my faith
I said to the bride of the time “What is thy dowry ?”
She said “To be dead in the heart of the tomb is my dowry.”

FitzGerald 1879 - 78
What! out of senseless Nothing to provoke
A conscious Something to resent the yoke
Of unpermitted Pleasure, under pain
Of Everlasting Penalties, if broke!

Heron-Allen 1899 - 78a
God, when he fashioned the clay of my body,
Knew by my making what would come of it;
(Since) there is no sin of mine without his order
Why should he seek to burn me at the Day of Resurrection?

Nicolas 1867 - 99
Lorsque Dieu a confectionné la boue de mon corps, il savait quel serait le résultat de mes actes. Ce n'est pas sans ses ordres que je commets les péchés dont je suis coupable; dans se cas, pourquoi au jour dernier brûler dans l'enfer?

Payne 1898 - 190
God, when He mixed and moulded our being's clay,
Had e'en foreknowledge of all we should do and say;
Without His order no sin of mine was aye;
Then why should He doom me to burn on the Judgment Day?

Thompson 1906 - 148
When God of our existence shaped the clay.
He knew our actions would be as His sway;
Without His mandate was no sin of mine,
Then why doom me to burn on Judgment Day?

Whinfield 1883 - 100
When Allah mixed my clay He knew full well
My future acts, and could each one foretell;
Without His will no act of mine was wrought;
Is it then just to punish me in hell?