Nr. 39
Calcutta nr. 39
The Pagoda and the Ka’aba are both places of devotion
Striking the church gong is a music of devotion
The Zunnar, the Church, the Rosary, and the Cross
Are verily outward signs of devotion.
Nicolas 1867 - 30
Le temple des idoles et la kaaba sont des lieux d'adoration, le carillon des cloches n'est autre chose qu'un hymne chanté à la louange du Tout-Puissant. Le mehrab, l'église, le chapelet, la croix sont en vérité autant de façons différentes de rendre hommage à la Divinité.
Payne 1898 - 123
Josshouse, as well as Kaabeh, a shrine of worship is;
To beat the gong a fashion, in fine, of worship is;
Prayer-niche and church and temple and rosary and cross,
Each one of these, 't is certain, a sign of worship is.'
Thompson 1906 - 68
The idol house is as the mosque, a shrine.
And chime of striking bells service divine;
Gueber's belt, church and rosary and cross,
Each is in truth of worshiping a sign.
Whinfield 1883 - 34
Pagodas, just as mosques, are homes of prayer,
'Tis prayer that church-bells chime unto the air,
Yea, Church and Ka'ba, Rosary and Cross
Are all but divers tongues of world-wide prayer.