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Nr. 45

Calcutta nr. 45

If you will walk in the footsteps of lust & desire
(Learn the) news from me that you will depart helpless
Behold what manner of person you are and whence you have come,
Know that whatever you may do, whither you will go.

FitzGerald 1879 - 74
YESTERDAY This Day's Madness did prepare;
TO-MORROW'S Silence, Triumph, or Despair:
Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why:
Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where.

Nicolas 1867 - 89
Si tu te livres à tes propres passions, à ton insatiabilité, je puis te prédire que tu partiras pauvre comme un mendiant. Vois plutôt qui tu es, d'où tu vlens, aie la conscience de ce que tu fais, sache où tu vas.

Payne 1898 - 78
If after lust and greed's bell-wether thou wilt go,
Trust me, without a rap or feather thou wilt go:
Consider what thou art and whence thou camest erst;
Bethink thee what thou dost and whither thou wilt go.

Thompson 1906 - 139
If you will tread in Passion's steps, know you
From me that thence you will go helpless too;
Remember who you are and whence you came.
Consider where you go and what you do.

Whinfield 1883 - 91
Who treads in passion's footsteps here below,
A helpless pauper will depart, I trow;
Remember who you are, and whence you come.
Consider what you do, and whither go.