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Bodleian quatrain nr. 103

Anet 1957 - 101
J’ai été hier dans l’atelier d’un potier.
J’y ai vu deux mille vases silencieux ou parlant entre eux.
Chacun me demendait dans son langage:
“Qui est le potier? qui l’acheteur? qui le vendeur?”

Bodenstedt 1881 - IV.16
Bei einem Töpfer sah ich gestern zweitausend Krüge,
Die einen stumm, die andern redend als ob jeder früge:
Wer hat uns geformt und wo stammen wir her?
Wer ist hier der Käufer, und der Verkäufer, wer?

Cadell 1899 - 115
I passed the potter's shop by yesterday
Noisy and mute two thousand pots I saw,
From one of them a sudden shout did rise: -
"Where's he who makes the pots? Who sells? Who buys?''

Cowell 1858 - 26
I went last night into a potter's shop,
A thousand pots did I see there, noisy and silent;
When suddenly one of the pots raised a cry,
"Where is the pot-maker, the pot-buyer, the pot-seller?"

FitzGerald 1859 - 59
Listen again. One Evening at the Close
Of Ramazán, ere the better Moon arose,
In that old Potter's Shop I stood alone
With the clay Population round in Rows.

FitzGerald 1859 - 60
And, strange to tell, among that Earthen Lot
Some could articulate, while others not:
And suddenly one more impatient cried--
"Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot?"

Garner 1898 - 56
Again into the potter's shop I strayed
Where jars and pots a-many were displayed,
And all cried out, "Where is the potter now,
And those who bought and sold, where are they laid?"

Grolleau 1902 - 103
Hier soir je suis allé dans l'atelier d'un potier;
Je vis deux mille pots, les uns parlaient, les autres gardaient le silence
Tout à coup, l'un d'eux s'écria, d'une voix agressive:
“Où donc est le potier, l'acheteur et le marchand?”

Heron-Allen 1898 - 103
I went last night into the workshop of a potter,
I saw two thousand pots, some speaking, and some silent;
suddenly one of the pots cried out aggressively: —
"Where are the pot maker, and the pot buyer, and the pot seller?"

De Marthold 1910 - 103
Je fus dans l'atelier d'un potier, fin tourneur;
J'y vis deux mille pots, qui muet, qui parleur.
Soudain l'un d'eux cria d'une voix agressive:
"Où dont sont le potier, le marchand, l'acheteur?

McCarthy 1889 - 115

Nicolas 1867 - 243
Hier, j'ai visité l'atelier d'un potier; j'y ai vu deux mille cruches les unes parlant, les autres silencieuses. Chacune d'elles semblait me dire: "0ù est donc le potier? Où est l'acheteur de cruches? Où en est le vendeur?"

Payne 1898 - 509
Last night, in the shop of a potter I was, and there
An hundred score pots, all voiceful, though silent, were:
Each one, with the tongue of the case, to us did say,
"Where's the maker of pots and the buyer and seller, where?"

Von der Porten 1927 - 103
Zur Töpferwerkstatt ging ich in der Abendstunde -
Die Töpfe teils mit offnem, teils geschloßnem Munde,
Und einer schrie mich plötzlich giftgeschwollen an:
"Wo ist der Meister, wo der Händler, wo der Kunde?"

Roe 1906 - 116
And some were wrapped in silence, others not;
And one spake loudly, 'mid a wrangling lot -
"Why talk ye thus and thus, ye know not what?
Who is the potter, pray, and who the pot?"

Rosen 1928 - 187
To the potter's workshop I went yesterday,
There I saw two thousand pots, speaking and silent.
Suddenly one of the pots exclaimed:
"Where are the pots, where is the potter and where is he who sells them?"

Von Schack 1878 - 226
Gestern in des Töpfers Werkstatt sah ich hundert Krüge stehn
Und mir war, durch ihre reihen hört' ich ein Geflüster gehn;
"Selber war ich einst ein Töpfer. - Ich, zum Kruge jetzt verwandelt,
Einst von dir, dem Warenhändler, hab' ich Krüge eingehandelt."

Talbot 1908 - 103
Within the potter's shop, ere this day broke,
I saw a host of pots - some mute, some spoke;
And suddenly one pot, agressive, cried,
"Who makes, or buys, or sells, us earthen folk?"

Thompson 1906 - 329
Last night I went into a pottery,
Two thousand pots did silent, speaking see.
“The potter, buyer, seller, where are they?"
One of the vessels cried out suddenly.

Tirtha 1941 - V.33
I looked at night in Potter’s shop, methought
That pots conferred and some solution sought;
And each enquired of me: “Tell who on earth
Is pot, or potter, who that sold, or bought?”

Whinfield 1883 - 283
Once, in a potter's shop, a company
Of cups in converse did I chance to see,
And lo! one lifted up his voice, and cried,
"Who made, who sells, who buys this crockery?"

  • BOWEN 1961 - 42
  • DASHTI 1969 - 42
  • FURUGHI 1942 - 117
  • GRAVES 1968 - 89
  • HEDAYAT 1934 - 73
  • HERON-ALLEN 1899 - 82a
  • HERON-ALLEN 1899 - 83a
  • HERON-ALLEN 1899 - 87a
  • KASRA 1975 - 117
  • MAHFUZ 1939 - 171
  • SAIDI 1991 - 104
  • WHINFIELD 1882 - 156