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Bodleian quatrain nr. 104

Cadell 1899 - 117
The spirit, which men here call sorrow pure
By souls thought-laden is named reprobate;
Say, why should wine as water be misnamed?
With wine in stony flagons on me wait.

Grolleau 1902 - 104
De cet esprit qu'on appelle le vin pur,
On dit: “C'est le remède d'un coeur dévasté.”
Alors bien vite apportez-moi deux ou trois coupes pleines;
Pourquoi donc appelle-t-on cette boisson si bonne, l'eau maudite?

Heron-Allen 1898 - 104
Of this spirit, that they call pure wine,
they say :—" It is a remedy for a ruined heart";
set quickly before me two or three heavily filled cups,
why do they call a good water "wicked water"?

De Marthold 1910 - 104
De l'esprit qu'est le vin, la boisson interdite,
On dit: "Remède au coeur dévasté qui s'irrite."
Alors, vite, apportez deux tasses pleines, trois!
Pourquoi donc appeler ce trésor l'eau maudite?

Von der Porten 1927 - 104
O dieser Geist, den sie im reinen Wein erkennen,
Löscht Gluten in den Herzen, die zu Asche brennen;
Schnell bringt herbei mir zwei, drei Gläser voll mit Wein!
Den besten Tropfen wollt ihr übles Wasser nennen?!

Talbot 1908 - 104
Of this good spirit, that men call Pure Wine,
They say,”Twill heal that broken heart of thine."
Haste then, and bring me three o'erbrimming cups,
Impute no evil to a gift divine.

Thompson 1906 - 669
That spirit which is called pure wine, they say
Will grief of desolated hearts allay:
''Good water" why do they "bad water" call?
Quickly some cups well filled by me array!

Tirtha 1941 - VIII.110
With Essence known as harmless bliss and pure,
Which acts to wounded hearts as certain cure,
Fill heart with love, and tune a merry lay,
Why call it baneful wine? ‘Tis nectar sure.