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Bodleian quatrain nr. 105

Bodenstedt 1881 - VII.17
Zähl' einfach meine Tugenden und zehnfach meine Sünden,
Doch Gott zu Liebe mußt Du mir für diese Gnade verkünden.
Statt durch den Hauch der Leidenschaft des Hasses Glut zu schüren:
Zu Ehren des Prophetengrabs laß zum Verzeihn Dich rühren.

Cadell 1899 - 116
By tens my faults, my good deeds singly come,
Forgive for God's sake actions reprobate;
With passion's breath fan not the fire of hate;
Rather forgive all by the Prophet's tomb.

Grolleau 1902 - 105
Regarde mes mérites un à un, pardonne mes péchés par dizaine,
Pardonne tout péché passé, le compte en est à Dieu.
Ne laisse ni l'air ni le vent attiser ta haine,
Pardonne-moi par la poussière de la tombe de Mohamed!

Heron-Allen 1898 - 105
Regard my virtues one by one, and forgive my crimes ten by ten,
pardon every crime that is past, the reckoning is with God!
let not the wind and air fan the flame of thy rancour,
by Muhammad's tomb! forgive me.

De Marthold 1910 - 105
Compte-moi mes vertus, sur mes péchés muet,
Pardonne à mon passé dont Dieu sait le secret;
Que l'air et que le vent n'attisent pas ta haine;
Pardon par ta poussière, ombre de Mahomet!

Nicolas 1867 - 249
Énumère mes qualités une à une; mes défauts, passe-les-moi par dizaine. Chaque péché commis, pardonne-le pour l'amour de Dieu. N'attise pas le feu de la haine par le souffle de tes passions; pardonne-nous (plutôt) en mémoire de la tombe du Prophète de Dieu (Mohammed).

Payne 1898 - 508
My merits note, one by one: my faults by the score, forgive;
For the love of God, each sin, that was sinned heretofore, forgive!
The fire of despite with the wind of passion enkindle not;
By the dust of the Prophet, our sins, I say once more, forgive!

Von der Porten 1927 - 105
Wieg meine guten Taten einzeln ab,
Und dutzendweise, was Dir Anstoß gab;
Laß nicht den Wind der Rache Feuer schüren,
Vergib mir, Gott, um des Propheten Grab!

Roe 1906 - 71
Then mark my scanty virtues one by one,
And, ten by ten, forgive the wrongs I 've done;
Nor fan the flame, and, by the Prophet's tomb,
The fire will die and anger's heat be gone.

Rosen 1928 - 190
Look on my virtues one by one and forgive my sins ten by ten,
Every past evil deed forgive for Allah's sake.
With the wind of annihilation inflame not the fire of the world,
Forgive us for the sake of the dust of Allah's Prophet.

Talbot 1908 - 105
Regard my virtues singly, bid them live,
But pass my crimes, by tens, through Memory's sieve;
Bear not resentment, God must be the judge;
By great Muhammad's Tomb, I say,”Forgive!"

Thompson 1906 - 334
My virtues singly note, by the half score
My faults forgive, past sins O God, pass o'er!
O, let not whiff and gust Thy wrath's flame fan!
By Allah's Prophet's dust I grace implore!

Tirtha 1941 - XI.55
Count merits, Lord! ignore my sins, and treat
My crimes with Thine own Grace as may be meet;
And do not flame Thy anger for my faults,
Dispense me, Lord! as dust of Prophet’s feet!

Whinfield 1883 - 288
Tell one by one my scanty virtues o'er;
As for my sins, forgive them by the score;
Let not my faults kindle Thy wrath to flame;
By blest Mohammed's tomb, forgive once more!