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Bodleian quatrain nr. 114

Cadell 1899 - 133
Deceitful I'll be in this world of fraudful earth,
And think upon nothing but wine and mirth,
"God give thee repentance," to me men will say.
He does not, but did He, I would not obey.

Grolleau 1902 - 114
Le monde étant périssable, je ne fais que de l'artificiel;
Je ne suis que pour la gaîtê et le vin qui brille.
On me dit: “Que Dieu t'accorde le repentir!”
Il ne le donne pas et, le donnerait-il, je n'en voudrais pas.

Heron-Allen 1898 - 114
The world being fleeting, I practise naught but artifice,
I hold only with cheerfulness and sparkling wine;
they say to me: — " May God grant thee penitence."
He himself does not give it, and if He gives it, I will none of it.

De Marthold 1910 - 114
Tout étant périssable, il me faut bruit, fracas,
Je ne veux que gaîté, bons vins, brillants repas:
On me dit: "Repentir un jour de Dieu te vienne!"
Il me le donnerait que je n'en voudrais pas!

Nicolas 1867 - 289
Puisque Ie monde est périssable, je veux n'y pratiquer que la ruse, je veux n'y penser qu'à la joie, qu'au vin limpide. On me dït: Puisse Dieu t'y faire renoncer! Puisse-t-il, au contraire, ne point me donner un ordre pareil, car, me Ie donnât-il, je n'obéirais pas!

Von der Porten 1927 - 114
Die Welt vergeht, drum, wer sich nicht vergeht: ein Wicht,
So mache Lust ich mir und Weingenuß zur Pflicht,
Sie sagen stets zu mir: "Mög' Gott dir Einkehr geben!"
Er tut es nicht, und wenn Er's tät, so tät ich's nicht.

Talbot 1908 - 114
I am all artifice. Since Time is swift,
In joy and wine I see no need for thrift;
They say,”May God to thee grant penitence."
He gives it not, nor would I take the gift.

Thompson 1906 - 372
Since earth's but fantasm, I 'll fantastic be,
Naught think of save bright wine and revelry.
They say “God give thee penitence!" He'll not
Give it and I would not repent, did He!

Tirtha 1941 - X.70
The world’s a cipher—Here’s a cipher mine—
I only think of love and lucid wine.
They say may He evert thee from thy wine,
He wont—and if her would, then I resign.

Whinfield 1883 - 329
The world is false, so I'll be false as well,
And with bright wine, and gladness ever dwell!
They say, "May Allah grant thee penitence!"
He grants it not, and, did he, I'd rebel!