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Bodleian quatrain nr. 123

Anet 1957 - 106
Tant que tu le peux, sois disciple des libertins,
tant que tu le peux, ruine les fondements de la prière et du jeûne.
Ecoute la parole vraie d’Omar Khayyâm:
“Bois du vin, fais-toi voleur de grands chemins, mais garde un coeur généreux.”

Cadell 1899 - 143
To help the dissolute do all you can,
The dome of prayer and fast beat down to ground,
And Khayam's saying hear, for all time sound: -
"Drink - if must be, steal - but do good to man."

Christensen 1927 - 57
As far as thou canst, do service to the drunkards; lay
waste the foundations of prayer and fasting.
Hear then this true word from 'Umar-i-Khayyam: "Drink
wine, be a highwayman, but do good."

Grolleau 1902 - 123
Imite, autant qu'il dépend de toi, les libertins;
Sape les fondements de la prière et du jeûne.
Écoute la Parole de Vérité de Omar Kháyyám:
“Enivre-toi, vole sur les grands chemins, et sois bon.”

Heron-Allen 1898 - 123
So far as in thee lies, follow the example of the profligate,
destroy the foundations of prayer and fasting:
hear thou the Word of Truth from Omar Khayyám,
"Drink wine, rob on the highway, and be benevolent."

De Marthold 1910 - 123
Fais, pareil aux penseurs, si tu peux, ce qu'ils font,
Et sape la prière et le jeûne infécond.
Ecoute Omar Khayyâm à la droite parole:
Enivre-toi, vole aux grands chemins... mais sois bon.

Nicolas 1867 - 327
Emploie tous tes efforts à être agréable aux buveurs; suis les bons conseils de Khévam. Ô ami! détruis les bases de la prière, celles du jeûne, bois du vin, vole (si tu veux), mais fais le bien.

Payne 1898 - 664
Communion with any save topers forswear do thou;
Lay waste the foundations of fasting and prayer do thou.
In fine, from Kheyyam hearken thou this sage counsel, O friend:
Drink, rob, an thou wilt, but what's righteous and fair do thou!

Von der Porten 1927 - 123
Nimm mit der Sûfi Beispiel du vorlieb,
Verstoß des Betens und des Fastens Trieb,
Befolg' 'Omar Chajjâms weltweisen Rat:
Trink Wein, üb' Straßenraub, doch Armen gib!

Roe 1906 - 67
Drink, if thou wilt, or fail to watch and pray,
Or break the fasts, or plunder by the way;
Hear now the Word of Truth from old Khayyám, -
No loving heart can wander far astray.

Talbot 1908 - 123
So far as in thee lies, feast evermore,
And cast both prayer and fasting from thy door.
From Omar Khayyám hear the word of truth, -
"Rob on the road, and drink - but feed the poor."

Thompson 1906 - 412
While you have power with drinkers seek to be.
Break down the wall of prayer and piety.
Hear from Khayyam O friend this sage advice,
Drink wine and rob, but O, show charity!

Tirtha 1941 - VII.193
Serve only mystics if and when you find,
Let fast and prayer blast, you need not mind;
But heed my friend what Omar Khayyam says:
Love Him, and ply your way, be ever kind.

Whinfield 1883 - 368
Hear now Khayyám's advice, and bear in mind,
Consort with revelers, though they be maligned,
Cast down the gates of abstinence and prayer,
Yea, drink, and even rob, but, oh! be kind!

  • MAHFUZ 1939 - 192
  • WHINFIELD 1882 - 194