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Bodleian quatrain nr. 124

Christensen 1905 - 56
Comme le seul avantage que l'humanité puisse tirer de ce désert,
est de souffrir de la douleur et de rendre l'âme,
heureux celui qui s'en est allé vite de ce monde, et bienheureux
dans son repos celui qui n'est pas venu au monde.

Christensen 1927 - 112
Since the outcome for man in this salt-marsh is nothing
but to suffer grief or to uproot one's soul.
happy is the heart of the man who passes quickly
from this world, and at peace the man who came not at
all into the world.

Grolleau 1902 - 124
Puisque toute mission de la race humaine en ce désert,
Ce n'est que de souffrir et puis de rendre l'âme,
Le coeur allégé c'est celui qui s'en va bien vite de ce monde,
Et celui-là connaît le repos qui n'y est jamais venu.

Heron-Allen 1898 - 124
Since the harvest for the human race, in this wilderness,
is naught but to suffer affliction or to give up the ghost,
light-hearted is he who passes quickly from this world,
and he who never came into the world is at rest.

De Marthold 1910 - 124
Puisqu'en ce désert l'homme apprend à chaque pas
Qu'il faut souffrir et puis arriver au trépas,
Heureux le passager dont la route fut brève;
Heureux en son repos celui qui ne fut pas.

Von der Porten 1927 - 124
Der Menschheit Ernte aus dem salz'gen Sumpf
Ist Leiden, oder daß der Geist wird stumpf.
Ach! glücklich, wer der Erde schnell entflieht,
Doch überhaupt nicht kommen, wär' Triumph!

Rosen 1928 - 246
As all that man reaps from this desert covered with salt
Is naught but engulfing sorrow, and departing from life,
Happy is he who has left this world early,
Blessed he who never came into it.

Talbot 1908 - 124
This world one choice alone for men hath blest,
'Tis either Death, or Life by pain opprest;
How happy he to whom Death quickly comes,
And he who ne'er is born hath perfect rest.

Thompson 1906 - 438
Since in this harsh world all man's gain hath been
Only his soul's vexation and chagrin,
Happy is he who quickly flees this world,
And he who never came knows joy serene!

Tirtha 1941 - IV.57
Since in this miry marsh of brine and fleas,
Man either pines or dies his pangs to cease;
Happy is he who quickly quits the world,
Who never comes in world would stay in peace.

Whinfield 1883 - 387
Since all man's business in this world of woe
Is sorrow's pangs to feel, and grief to know,
Happy are they that never come at all,
And they that, having come, the soonest go!

  • KASRA 1975 - 139
  • MAHFUZ 1939 - 189