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Bodleian quatrain nr. 128

Christensen 1927 - 71
We cannot consume our merry heart with grief and
tear asunder the time of our happiness against the rock of affliction.
Who knows what will happen in time? Wine is what
we need, and the beloved one and repose after satisfied desires.

Grolleau 1902 - 128
On ne peut consumer de tristesse le coeur empli de joie,
Ni détruire le plaisir de vivre en le passant à la pierre de touche.
Il n'est personne qui sache le secret du futur;
Ce qu'il faut, c'est du vin, l'amour et le repos à discrétion.

Heron-Allen 1898 - 128
One cannot consume one's happy heart with sorrow,
nor consume the pleasure of one's life upon the touchstone;
no one is to be found who knows what is to be;
wine, and a loved one, and to repose according to one's desire, —
these things are necessary.

De Marthold 1910 - 128
On ne pourrait pas rendre un coeur joyeux farouche,
Ni passer l'art de vivre à la pierre de touche.
Aucun de nous sait-il le secret du futur;
Ce qu'il faut? Vin, amour, et repos sur la couche.

Nicolas 1867 - 344
Il ne faut point se résoudre à flétrir par Ie chagrin un cœur joyeux, à broyer sous la pierre des tourments nos instants d'allégresse. Personne ne pouvant nous dire ce qui adviendra, ce qu'il faut donc, c'est du vin, c'est une maîtresse chérie et du repos au gré de nos souhaits.

Von der Porten 1927 - 128
Der Frohsinn soll in Leid sich nicht verzehren,
Der Stein der Weisen kann Genuß nicht lehren;
Ich finde keinen, der die Zukunft kennt.
Drum will ich trinken, lieben und begehren!

Rosen 1928 - 253
Wear not away your happy heart with cares,
Waste not your joyful time by rubbing it on the stone of worry.
Who in this world knows what is to be?
You will be at rest only with wine and a beloved, both to your heart's desire.

Talbot 1908 - 128
No happy heart with sorrow should consume,
No joyful life mid test and trial fume;
None can foretell the future; wine, and love,
And rest we need, so these let us resume.

Thompson 1906 - 426
The joyous heart keep ever from despair,
Nor on the trial stone life's pleasures wear;
Since no one knows what is to be, we need
At will with wine and love to rest from care.

Tirtha 1941 - IX.128
Why wear our blissful heart in woeful ways?
And crush with stones of toils our blissful days?
Who knows what crops up from the hidden stores?
Hence we should love Him, sing our happy lays.

Whinfield 1883 - 382
'Tis wrong with gloomy thoughts your mirth to drown, -
To let grief's millstone weigh your spirits down;
Since none can tell what is to be, 'tis best
With wine and love your heart's desires to crown.

  • ARBERRY 1952 - 46
  • FURUGHI 1942 - 148
  • KASRA 1975 - 148