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Bodleian quatrain nr. 130

Anet 1957 - 124
De notre venue en ce monde, de notre départ, quelle est la cause?
Cette vie qui est tissée pour nous, quel espoir devant elle?
Sous le poids de la Roue, les âmes de tant d’hommes purs
brûlent et deviennent cendres. Mais je ne vois pas leur fumée.

Christensen 1927 - 114
Where is the profit of our coming or going? and where
is the woof to the warp of the stuff of our life?
In the hoop of the wheel of Heaven the souls of so
many pure beings burn and become ashes, and where is the smoke?

Grolleau 1902 - 130
À quoi bon la venue; à quoi bon le départ?
Où donc est la chaîne de la trame de notre vie;
Que de corps délicats le monde brise?
Où donc est partie leur fumée?

Heron-Allen 1898 - 130
What profits it, our coming and going?
and where is the woof for the warp of the stuff of our life?
How many delicate bodies the world
burns away to dust! and where is the smoke of them?

De Marthold 1910 - 130
A quoi bon la venue? à quoi bon le départ?
Où donc est le chaînon de la vie? Au hasard!
Que d'esprits délicats cette terre consume.
Où donc est leur fumée? Emportée au brouillard!

Nicolas 1867 - 351
Quel avantage a produit notre venue en ce monde? Quel avantage résultera de notre départ? Que nous reste-t-il du monceau d'espérances que nous avons conçues? Où est la fumée de tous ces hommes purs qui, sous ce cercle céleste, se consument et deviennent poussière?

Von der Porten 1927 - 130
Wen fördert unser Kommen oder unser Gehen?
Wer kann den Einschlag in des Lebens Kette sehen?
Wie viele hehre Formen brannten schon zu Asche,
Und spurlos mußten sie mit ihrem Rauch verwehen!

Rosen 1928 - 259
In our coming and going what is the use?
And of the woof of our lifetime where is the warp?
In this world so many heads and feet of fair and delicate ones
Are being burnt to ashes-where is the smoke?

Talbot 1908 - 130
What profits in our birth, and what our death?
Where is the Woof our life's frail Warp beneath?
The World's great fire burns many such to dust;
Where is the smoke of them within its breath?

Thompson 1906 - 635
What boots the coming, going of the race?
And life's woof found, where will you life’s warp place?
Consumed so many pure men, turned to dust,
Where in Heaven's dome is there of them a trace?

Tirtha 1941 - II.9
We come and go, but bring in no return,
When thread of life may break we can't discern;
How many saintly hearts have melted here
And turned for us to ashes - who would learn?

Whinfield 1883 - 393
We come and go, but for the gain, where is it?
And spin life's woof, but for the warp, where is it?
And many a righteous man has burned to dust
In heaven's blue rondure, but their smoke, where is it?

  • ARBERRY 1949 - 19
  • ARBERRY 1952 - 35
  • FURUGHI 1942 - 150
  • HEDAYAT 1934 - 18
  • KASRA 1975 - 150
  • MAHFUZ 1939 - 195
  • SAIDI 1991 - 130
  • WHINFIELD 1882 - 207