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Bodleian quatrain nr. 142

Grolleau 1902 - 142
Ô Ciel, dans tes largesses, tous les misérables ont leur part:
Tu leur accordes la subsistance nécessaire au supplice de Vivre;
Mais, je te le demande, ô Ciel, si tu étais un homme,
Donnerais-tu même une figue pour une félicité pareille?

Heron-Allen 1898 - 142
O heaven! thou givest something to every base creature,
thou suppliest baths, and millstreams, and canals;
the pure man plays hazard for his night's provisions:
wouldst thou give a fig for such a heaven?

De Marthold 1910 - 142
Le ciel accorde au pauvre un peu de menu cuivre,
Le strict indispensable au supplice de vivre;
Si le ciel était homme, il ne donnerait pas
Un pois pour ce bonheur où jamais on n'est ivre.

Von der Porten 1927 - 142
O Herr, ein Etwas gabst Du jedem niedren Mann,
Du legtest Bäder, Mühlbach und Kanäle an.
Den Frommen, der die letzte Rinde Brot verspielt,
O Allah! führst gewißlich rasch Du himmelan!

Rosen 1928 - 294
Oh Wheel of the Spheres, thou givest something to every miser,
Thou givest him baths and mills and water-courses.
The noble-minded must pawn something to have his evening loaf,
One should show contempt for such a Sphere.

Talbot 1908 - 142
To each base creature, something Thou hast given;
By Thy cool streams the face of earth is riven;
The pure man, for a crust, will stake his all:
Thou should'st give readily, for such, a Heaven.

Thompson 1906 - 599
To all churls something you give. Sphere on high!
Warm baths, mills, watercourses you supply.
The upright pledge their goods for evening bread.
Perhaps you'd give a puff for such a sky!

Tirtha 1941 - II.34
O Time! you ever pamper base and loon
With mills and mansions and your every boon;
But freemen pledge their nightly bread with you,
So that when stale at dawn, you throw it soon.

Whinfield 1883 - 492
O skyey wheel, all base men you supply
With baths, mills, and canals that run not dry,
While good men have to pawn their goods for bread:
Pray, who would give a fig for such a sky?

  • ARBERRY 1949 - 3
  • ARBERRY 1952 - 19