Bodleian quatrain nr. 150

Grolleau 1902 - 150
Ne te dépenses pas tant en tristesse insensée, mais sois en fête.
Donne, dans le chemin de l'injustice, l'exemple de la justice.
Puisque la fin de ce monde est le néant,
Suppose que tu n'existes pas, et sois libre.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 150
Do not give way so much to vain grief,—live happily,
and, in the way of injustice, set thou an example of justice,
since the final end of this world is nothingness;
suppose thyself to be nothing, and be free.
De Marthold 1910 - 150
Sois en fête, à quoi bon tant de chagrin factice,
Et donne à l'injustice exemple de justice.
Puisque la fin de tout pour tous est le néant,
Dis-toi que tu n'es pas, sois libre à ton caprice.
Von der Porten 1927 - 150
Durchbrich des Kummers graues Einerlei,
Herrscht Unrecht auch, des Rechtes Beispiel sei.
Da aller Dinge Ende ist das Nichts,
So wähne, daß du nichts bist - und sei frei!
Talbot 1908 - 150
Live happily, place not in grief thy trust,
Amidst injustice show that thou art just;
If all the world must come to nothingness,
Be free, and deem thyself already dust.
Thompson 1906 - 607
No longer vainly grieve! Live happily!
And in Life's devious path, do equity!
And since the end of worldly things is naught.
Think you are naught, and from concern live free!
Tirtha 1941 - VII.41
Don’t fret in vain but live in peace and glee,
Be ever just though folk unjust would be;
This world at last, you know, will vanish, hence
Shake off thy body, live for ever free.
Whinfield 1883 - 500
No longer hug your grief and vain despair,
But in this unjust world be just and fair;
And since the issue of the world is naught,
Think you are naught, and so shake off dull care!
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 219