Bodleian quatrain nr. 152

Christensen 1905 - 58
Sois content, car, on a préparé ta portion - hier -, indépendamment
de tous tes désirs - hier.
Vis joyeux, car sans égards pour tes demandes - hier -, on
a fixé tes affaires pour demain - hier.
Grolleau 1902 - 152
Sois heureux, car on a fixé hier ta récompense,
Et l'hier est bien loin, au delà de ta portée.
Sois heureux, sans que tous tes efforts aboutissent,
Hier, avec certitude, on a marqué ce que tu feras demain.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 152
Be happy! they settled thy reward yesterday,
and beyond the reach of all thy longings is yesterday;
live happily, for without any importunity on thy part yesterday,
they appointed with certainty what thou wilt do to-morrow, — yesterday!
De Marthold 1910 - 152
Sois content car on a réglé ton sort — hier,
Sans consulter aucun de tes désirs — hier.
Vis joyeux, sans égard pour tes vouloirs, — hier,
On a fixé tes efforts pour demain — hier.
Von der Porten 1927 - 152
Den Lohn empfingst du für dein Sorgen - gestern
Vor deinen Wünschen ist geborgen - Gestern.
Leb froh! denn ohne daß du dich bemühst,
Bestellt geschaftig dir dein Morgen - Gestern.
Rosen 1928 - 308
Be merry, for (the bricks of) your sorrows have been baked long since.
They have been placed beyond the reach of all your desires long since.
Live happily, for without your asking it
The fate of your to-morrow has been fixed, long since.
Talbot 1908 - 152
Be happy! yesterday thy joy or pain
Was fix'd, and yesterday may none regain;
Live happy! for yestr'een, unsought, the Fates
What thou wilt do to-morrow did ordain.
Thompson 1906 - 596
Rejoice ! for yesterday thy lot fixed They!
Secure from all thy clamors j^esterday!
Be jocund ! for They, lacking thine accord
Did yesterday thy morrow's fate array!
Tirtha 1941 - VII.50
Cheer up! your pot is ready cooked— in past;
None cares for you, as they have looked— in past;
And you may rest in bliss, for ere you asked
Your future fare is ready booked— in past.
Whinfield 1883 - 489
Cheer up! your lot was settled yesterday!
Heedless of all that you might do or say,
Without so much as "By your leave" they fixed
Your lot for all the morrows yesterday!
- DASHTI 1969 - 74
- FURUGHI 1942 - 170
- KASRA 1975 - 170