Bodleian quatrain nr. 154

Grolleau 1902 - 154
À mon coeur attentif le ciel a murmuré en secret:
“Apprends de moi les commandements que j'ai décrétés,
Si j'avais pu quelque chose sur mes propres évolutions
Le vin m'aurait préservé du vertige.”
Heron-Allen 1898 - 154
To the ear of my heart Heaven whispered secretly: —
"The commands that are decreed thou mayst learn from me:
had I a hand in my own revolutions,
I would have saved myself from giddiness."
De Marthold 1910 - 154
A mon coeur attentif le ciel dit en secret:
"Apprends de moi les mots, l'ordre de mon décret:
"Si j'avais pu jamais réagir sur moi-même,
"Le vin m'eût épargné, vertige, ton regret!
Von der Porten 1927 - 154
Der Himmel hat mir flüsternd offenbart:
"Das Schicksal bleibt mir selber nicht erspart.
Ach, läg' in meiner Hand die eig'ne Drehung,
Ich hätte vor dem Schwindel mich bewahrt."
Talbot 1908 - 154
Heaven in my ear this secret did confess,
"From me all Fate's decrees thou may'st possess."
Were mine the hand that made myself revolve,
I would have sav'd myself much giddiness.
Thompson 1906 - 23
Heaven whispered to my spirit secretly,
"The fixed decrees of Fate learn thou from me.
If I in my own turnings had a hand.
Myself from dizziness I 'd have set free!"
Tirtha 1941 - II.52
The Wheel now whispers in my ear "I know
What fate decreed - just ask and I will show.
Could I but check the push which whirls me round,
I should have saved myself from reeling so."
- KASRA 1975 - 172