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Bodleian quatrain nr. 34

Cadell 1899 - 48
They say, in heaven joy's shining face shall glow;
I answer, sweet earth's vintages now are;
Hold fast the coin, let future credit go;
An empty drum sounds pleasant from afar.

Christensen 1905 - 35
On me dit que le mariage avec une houri est agréable: moi,
je dis que le jus du raisin est agréable.
Prends cet argent comptant et retire la main de ce crédit-là,
car il est agréable d'entendre le bruit du tambour, — mais de loin.

FitzGerald 1859 - 12
"How sweet is mortal Sovranty!"--think some:
Others--"How blest the Paradise to come!"
Ah, take the Cash in hand and wave the Rest;
Oh, the brave Music of a distant Drum!

Grolleau 1902 - 34
On dit que le jardin d'Eden enchante les houris;
Je dis que le jus de la grappe est seul délectable.
Tiens-t'en à l'argent comptant et renonce à un gain promis,
Car le bruit des tambours, frère, n'est beau que de très loin.

Von Hammer 1818 - 22
Du sprichst mir von Huris, vom Paradiese,
Von Edens lusterfüllter goldner Wiese.
Geh nimm den Pfennig hin und laß mich geh'n,
Von ferne nur hört sich die Trommel schön.

Heron-Allen 1898 - 34
They say that the garden of Eden is pleasant with houris:
I say that the juice of the grape is pleasant.
Hold fast this cash and let that credit go,
for the noise of drums, brother, is pleasant from afar.

De Marthold 1910 - 34
On dit l'Eden charmant, houris, votre domaine;
Je dis: La grappe seule est délectable aubaine.
Crois à l'argent comptant, renonce au gain promis,
Car la voix du tambour n'est belle que lointaine.

Payne 1898 - 300
They say that Heaven and Kauthir and Hour exist indeed,
That there is honeyed wine for the piëtist indeed;
Fill up the winecup, skinker; for better far for me
Than twenty birds in bush is one in fist indeed.

Von der Porten 1927 - 34
Sie sagen all', daß Huris Edens Liebreiz mehren,
Ich sag': nichts reizt mich mehr, als frohe Becher leeren.
Halt dich ans bare Geld und auf Zukunftszahlung,
'S ist besser, Trommeln aus der Ferne anzuhören.

Roe 1906 - 14
Some talk of Heav'n, where streams like Kusar flow,
And houris dwell, and golden vineyards grow;
But fill my cup and give me beauty here,
Ah, give them now, and let the promise go!

Rosen 1928 - 62
They tell me Paradise with its houris is delightful,
I say the juice of the grape is delightful.
Grasp this ready money and let that credit go,
For to hear the sound of the drum from afar is delightful.

Talbot 1908 - 34
Men talk of Eden's Houris and their charms;
To maids of Earth I drink and sing my psalms.
Hold fast Life's cash; if Time be in thy debt
How pleasant is the distant call to arms!

Thompson 1906 - 155
When they say Houris' nuptials pleasant are,
"The juice of grapes is pleasant!" I aver;
Take this cash then and let that credit go,
For pleasant is the drum beat,—heard afar!

Tirtha 1941 - X.92
They tell "In Heaven angels come to greet!"
I say "The juice of Vine, in truth, is sweet."
Rely on cash, credits are bad assets,
We bear with drums when further far they beat.

Whinfield 1883 - 108
They preach how sweet those Houri brides will be,
But I say wine is sweeter - taste and see!
Hold fast this cash, and let that credit go,
And shun the din of empty drums like me.