Bodleian quatrain nr. 36

Cadell 1899 - 50
Drink wine, for it is everlasting day,
It is the very harvest of our youth;
In time of roses, wine and comrades gay,
Be happy, drink, for that is life in sooth.
Christensen 1905 - 44
Bois du vin, car voilà la vie éternelle, voilà justement l'avantage qu'on peut tirer de la période de la jeunesse.
C'est la saison de la rose et du vin, et les amis sont ivres: sois heureux pour un moment, car voilà la vie.
Grolleau 1902 - 36
Bois du vin... c'est lui la Vie éternelle,
C'est le trésor qui t'est resté des jours de ta jeunesse:
La saison des roses et du vin, et des compagnons ivres!
Sois heureux un instant, cet instant c'est ta vie.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 36
Drink wine, for this is life eternal,
this is thy gain firom the days of thy youth;
a season of roses, and wine, and drunken companions —
be happy for a moment for this is life!
De Marthold 1910 - 36
Bois du vin, c'est la force, oui, bois à ton envie.
Le seul trésor resté de jeunesse ravie,
Saison des fleurs, des ris, des joyeux compagnons!
Sois heureux un instant, cet instant, c'est ta vie.
Payne 1898 - 97
Drain the goblet, for life everlasting this wine is;
The elixir of youth, sure, the juice of the vine is:
'T is the time of the rose and the jolly Spring showers:
Be blithe, while this life for a moment yet thine is.
Von der Porten 1927 - 36
Trink Wein! Solch Leben gibt dir Ewigkeit!
Dies sind die Früchte aus der Jugendzeit:
Der Rosenmond und Wein und Trinkkumpane!
Froh ist nur, wer dem Augenblick sich weiht.
Roe 1906 - 68
And when the rose shall bloom o'er Nature's shrine,
And friends invite, and buoyant youth is thine,
Lift high the bowl eternal life is there
And drown thy sorrows in the joys of wine.
Talbot 1908 - 36
Drink Wine: for here, and now, Eternal Life
Gives all the gain that Youth may win from Strife;
Roses and friends to share thy merriment:
Seize now that Joy with which to-day is rife!
Thompson 1906 - 153
Drink wine, for it is life etern, in sooth,
The fruitage of the season of thy youth ;
'T is time of roses, wine and mellow friends,
Rejoice the while, for this is life, in truth.
Tirtha 1941 - III.65
Partake His word that is Eternal Soul,
When youth by nature brings His love in role;
Now buds are blooming, friends with rapture filled,
Be tranquil for some time, and see thy Soul.
Whinfield 1883 - 106
Drink wine! 'tis life etern, and travail's meed,
Fruitage of youth, and balm of age's need:
'Tis the glad time of roses, wine, and friends;
Rejoice thy spirit - that is life indeed.
- FURUGHI 1942 - 47
- HEDAYAT 1934 - 133
- KASRA 1975 - 47
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 56