Bodleian quatrain nr. 37

Cadell 1899 - 51c
Give wine, my wounded heart is scored with pain,
Our path has scarce got any other gain;
I love the clay from which the cup is wrought
More than yon wheel, where skulls do count for nought.
Grolleau 1902 - 37
Donne-moi du vin, remède de mon coeur blessé,
Bon compagnon de ceux qu'a fatigués l'amour;
Mon esprit aime mieux l'ivresse et ses mensonges
Que la voûte des deux, fond du crâne du monde.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 37
Give me wine which is a salve for my wounded heart,
it is the boon companion of those who have trafficked in love;
to my mind the dregs of a single draught are better
than the vault of heaven which is the hollow of the world's skull.
De Marthold 1910 - 37
Verse à mon coeur meurtri cette boisson féconde
Pour ceux à qui l'amour fit blessure profonde.
Je préfère l'ivresse et ses rêves dorés.
A la voûte du ciel, fond du crâne du monde!
Von der Porten 1927 - 37
Bringt Wein! Dem wunden Herzen tut er wohl,
Er ist der Freund, für Balsam das Symbol;
Des Trunkes Hefe ist mir viel mehr wert
Als Himmels Dom, der wie ein Schädel - hohl.
Talbot 1908 - 37
Give me red wine my broken heart to heal,
Wine, the good friend of all that passion feel;
I find more comfort in a single draught
Than hollow Heaven bestows on those who kneel.
Thompson 1906 - 665
Give me wine which to my bruised heart doth prove
A balm, boon friend to those who mope for love;
Better, I hold, the dregs of but one draught
Than the world's hollow skull Heaven's dome above!
Tirtha 1941 - VIII.24
Thy Word, O Guide! up-lifts my heart in cheers,
A constant friend to all the mystic seers;
I prize one Word as more than azure crown
Which decks the head of One who made the spheres.