Bodleian quatrain nr. 75

Cadell 1899 - 69
I drink, and he who is as wise as I
Wine's evil finds a simple thing I wot;
God from all time has known futurity,
And I should prove Him wrong, if I drank not.
Grolleau 1902 - 75
Je bois du vin, et quiconque boit comme moi, en est digne.
Si je bois, c'est chose bien légère devant Lui.
Dieu savait, dès le premier jour, que je boirais du vin,
Si je ne buvais pas, la science de Dieu serait vaine.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 75
I drink wine, and every one drinks who like me is worthy of it;
my wine-drinking is but a small thing to Him;
God knew, on the Day of Creation, that I should drink wine;
if I do not drink wine, God's knowledge was ignorance.
De Marthold 1910 - 75
Je bois et qui boit a comme moi raison saine.
Si je bois, c'est pour Lui pardonnable fredaine.
Dieu, dès le premier jour, savait que je boirais,
Puis-je, en ne buvant pas, rendre sa science vaine?
Nicolas 1867 - 182
Oui, je bois du vin, et quiconque comme moi est clairvoyant trouvera que cet acte est insignifiant aux yeux de la Divinité. De toute éternité Dieu a su que je boirais du vin. Si je n'en buvais pas, sa prescience serait pure ignorance.
Von der Porten 1927 - 75
Ich trinke Wein und mit mir, wer vernünftig,
Wie winzig gilt's Ihm, daß wir winzerzünftig,
Er wußt' am Schöpfungstag, ich würde trinken,
Tränk' ich jetzt nicht, weiß Er doch nicht, was künftig!
Rosen 1928 - 141
I will drink wine, and whoever like me is a wise man
Will make light of my drinking.
My drinking was known to the All-Wise in the beginning;
If I were not to drink, God's knowledge would be ignorance.
Talbot 1908 - 75
For wine, good men athirst will always pant
But to such trifles God no thought will grant;
He knew, before He made me, I should drink:
And, if I drink not, was He ignorant?
Thompson 1906 - 21
I drink my wine, for men like me of sense
In God's sight 'tis of little consequence;
He knew it at the first, if I drink not
Sheer ignorance would be God's prescience!
Tirtha 1941 - X.112
I love Him, so the worthy ones who wot,
With them to love is easier than not;
He knew me first, I loved and I conceived,
Science Divine, unless I love, will rot.
Whinfield 1883 - 197
True I drink wine, like every man of sense,
For I know Allah will not take offense;
Before time was, He know that I should drink,
And who am I to thwart His prescience?
- HERON-ALLEN 1899 - 61
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 107