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Bodleian quatrain nr. 83

Cadell 1899 - 88
O my dear friends, as oft as ye shall meet,
Ye must remember me, who your friend was;
And as in turns you sip wine's pleasure sweet
When my turn cometh round, o'erturn the glass.

FitzGerald 1859 - 75
And when Thyself with shining Foot shall pass
Among the Guests Star-scatter'd on the Grass,
And in thy joyous Errand reach the Spot
Where I made one--turn down an empty Glass!

Grolleau 1902 - 83
Amis, lorsque vous êtes réunis,
Il faut que vous pensiez tendrement à moi;
Quand vous boirez ensemble le vin généreux,
Et que ce sera mon tour, videz votre verre jusqu'au fond.

Heron-Allen 1898 - 83
Friends, when ye hold a meeting together,
it behoves ye warmly to remember your friend;
when ye drink wholesome wine together,
and my turn comes, turn a goblet upside down.

De Marthold 1910 - 83
Amis, quand, réunis, vous oubliez la terre,
Il vous faut tendrement songer à ma misère;
Quand vous boirez ensemble un vin pur, gai, mousseux,
Et que viendra mon tour, videz à fond le verre!

Von der Porten 1927 - 83
O Freunde, sitzt beim Wein ihr in den Schenken,
Vergeßt mich nicht beim frohen Becherschwenken,
Leert eure Gläser, macht die Nagelprobe,
Dann werdet sicher ihr des Freunds gedenken.

Talbot 1908 - 83
Friends, when ye meet together, ne'er forget;
The one, whom o'er the cup ye oft have met;
And, when ye drink a draught of wholesome wine,
At my turn, upside down a goblet set!

Thompson 1906 - 279
Companions, when ye meet as ye agree,
Your friend ye needs must pledge in memory;
And when together wholesome wine ye drink,
And my time comes, turn down a glass for me.

Tirtha 1941 - X.166
And mates! when ye would meet as guest and host,
Remember Him our Friend think of Him most;
At last when drinking health my turn would come,
Then turn your cups to earth and pour the toast.

Whinfield 1883 - 234
Comrades! when e'er you meet together here,
Recall your friend to mind, and drop a tear;
And when the circling wine-cups reach his seat,
Pray turn one upside down his dust to cheer.