Bodleian quatrain nr. 84

Cadell 1899 - 71
Agree my friends to meet at rising sun
And each the other's perfectness extol;
And when the Saki has poured forth the soul,
Say as you pray: "Alas for such an one."
FitzGerald 1859 - 75
And when Thyself with shining Foot shall pass
Among the Guests Star-scatter'd on the Grass,
And in thy joyous Errand reach the Spot
Where I made one--turn down an empty Glass!
Grolleau 1902 - 84
Amis, lorsque vous êtes réunis,
Il faut que vous pensiez tendrement à moi;
Quand vous boirez ensemble le vin généreux,
Et que ce sera mon tour, videz votre verre jusqu'au fond.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 84
Friends, when ye hold a meeting together,
it behoves ye warmly to remember your friend;
when ye drink wholesome wine together,
and my turn comes, turn a goblet upside down.
De Marthold 1910 - 84
Amis, quand, réunis, vous oubliez la terre,
Il vous faut tendrement songer à ma misère;
Quand vous boirez ensemble un vin pur, gai, mousseux,
Et que viendra mon tour, videz à fond le verre!
Nicolas 1867 - 192
Ô amis! convenez d'un rendez-vous (après ma mort). Une fois réunis, réjouissez-vous d'être ensemble, et, lorsque l'échanson prendra dans sa main une coupe de vin vieux, souvenez-vous du pauvre Khèyam et buvez à sa mémoire.
Von der Porten 1927 - 84
O Freunde, sitzt beim Wein ihr in den Schenken,
Vergeßt mich nicht beim frohen Becherschwenken,
Leert eure Gläser, macht die Nagelprobe,
Dann werdet sicher ihr des Freunds gedenken.
Rosen 1928 - 148
My friends, when you are feasting together
And delighting in each other's charms,
When the Sáki takes in his hands the wine of the Magians,
Remernher then your poor friend and bless his memory.
Talbot 1908 - 84
Friends, when ye meet together, ne'er forget;
The one, whom o'er the cup ye oft have met;
And, when ye drink a draught of wholesome wine,
At my turn, upside down a goblet set!
Thompson 1906 - 254
Friends, when in concord ye meet and whene'er
The cupbearer the Magian wine doth bear.
Delighting in each other's charms, O, see
A helpless one ye think on in your prayer!
Tirtha 1941 - X.165
When friends would gather in our Master’s shrine,
And each to each as facing mirrors shine,
When Master holds the Magi wine in hand,
Remember this poor wreck for Grace Divine.
Whinfield 1883 - 205
Friends, when with consent ye make a tryst together,
and take delight in one another's charms,
when the Cup-bearer takes round in his hand the Mugh wine,
remember a certain helpless one in your benediction.
- ARBERRY 1949 - 52
- ARBERRY 1952 - 86
- HERON-ALLEN 1899 - 101b