Bodleian quatrain nr. 85

Cadell 1899 - 72
One cup is worth a hundred hearts or creeds,
One draught of wine all China's realm is worth;
In wine alone, a bitterness on earth
We find, whose worth a thousand sweets exceeds.
Christensen 1927 - 8
One cup of wine is worth a hundred hearts and faiths,
one draught of wine is worth the kingdom of China.
Apart from ruby wine there is not on the surface of the
earth anything bitter that is worth a thousand sweet lives.
Grolleau 1902 - 85
Une seule coupe de vin vaut cent coeurs et cent religions;
Un trait de vin vaut l'empire de la Chine.
Hors du vin, ce rubis, il n'y a point sur terre
Une seule chose acide valant mille âmes douces.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 85
One cup of wine is worth a hundred hearts and religions,
one draught of wine is worth the empire of China,
saving ruby wine there is not, on the face of earth,
any acrid thing that is worth a thousand sweet souls.
De Marthold 1910 - 85
Une tasse de vin vaut cent religions
Et l'empire de Chine aux vastes régions.
Le vin, rien au-dessus de ce rubis sur terre!
Est un amer donnant à nos jours leurs rayons.
Nicolas 1867 - 194
Une coupe de vin vaut cent cœurs, cent religions; une gorgée de ce jus divin vaut l'empire de Chine. Qu'y a-t-il, en effet, sur la terre de préférable au vin? C'est un amer qui vaut cent fois la douceur de la vie.
Von der Porten 1927 - 85
Der Wein gilt hundert Herzen, hundert Religionen,
Ein Trunk des roten Weins gilt Chinas Kaiserkronen,
Nichts gibt es auf der Welt, das sauer ist wie Wein
Und doch mit hundert süßen Seelen nicht zu lohnen.
Rosen 1928 - 149
One flask of wine is worth a thousand unbelievers,
One sip of wine is worth the Empire of China.
What on the face of the earth can be preferable to wine?
It is a bitter thing that is worth a thousand sweet lives.
Talbot 1908 - 85
One draught outweighs a hundred hearts and creeds,
And he who drinks no Eastern Empire needs;
Save ruby wine, there is not on the Earth
One bitter thing that so much sweetness breeds.
Thompson 1906 - 241
A thousand devotees one cup of wine
Is worth and one wine-draught the realm of Chin,
Its bitter is a thousand sweet lives worth.
What sweeter on the face of earth hath been?
Tirtha 1941 - IX.71
A loving heart is more than men of zeal,
His Name is more than crown of world I feel;
And naught is sweeter than His acrid love,
For love, with thousand lives and deaths I deal.
- ARBERRY 1949 - 136
- ARBERRY 1952 - 197
- FURUGHI 1942 - 96
- KASRA 1975 - 96
- MAHFUZ 1939 - 129