Bodleian quatrain nr. 86

Cadell 1899 - 96
Wouldst thou be His? From son and wife be free,
Yea, boldly close the door on loves most true;
Existent things are bonds which tether thee.
With bonds how canst thou journey? Cut them through.
Grolleau 1902 - 86
Si tu désires aller vers Lui, quitte femme et enfants,
Courageusement sépare-toi de tes proches et de tes amis;
N'importe qui, sur ta route, te retarde;
Comment voyager avec de tels obstacles?... écarte-les!
Heron-Allen 1898 - 86
If thou desirest Him, be separated from wife and children,
bravely move thine abode from thy relations and friends;
whatever is, is an hindrance on the road for thee,
how canst thou journey with these hindrances? — remove them!
De Marthold 1910 - 86
Tu veux aller à Lui? Quitte femme et enfant,
Tes proches, tes amis; pas de joug étouffant.
N'importe qui te gène en ta route et t'attarde;
Ecarte tout obstacle, arrive triomphant.
Von der Porten 1927 - 86
Suchst Gott du, mußt von Weib und Kind du scheiden,
Mußt der Verwandten Kreis und Freunde meiden,
Besitz ist Hindernis: auf Seinem Pfad
Mußt du dich des Besitzes ganz entkleiden.
Rosen 1928 - 153
If Him you seek, cut yourself off from wife and children.
Strive manfully, free yourself from relations and Connections.
Whatever exists, is a fetter on your path;
How can you walk with fetters? Cut the fetters off!
Talbot 1908 - 86
If thou desirest Him, put all from thee:
No earthly love must in thy bosom be;
Whatever is, will hinder thine advance:
How canst thou fare thus burden'd? Be thou free!
Thompson 1906 - 299
Abandon wife and child if Him you 'd find,
From self cut bravely bonds to self that bind;
The things of earth but clog you on your way.
How fare with them? Free them and leave behind!
Tirtha 1941 - VII.75
Be brave and tear asunder kin and clan
Aloof from wife and sons, you stand a man!
For all these bonds would hinder you in march,
First break your bonds, and then you march in van.
Whinfield 1883 - 256
If you seek Him, abandon child and wife,
Arise, and sever all these ties to life;
All these are bonds to check you on your course
Arise, and cut these bonds, as with a knife.