Bodleian quatrain nr. 95

Cadell 1899 - 100
O heart! 'tis true that all this world is vain,
Wherefore then eat the fruit of sorrow's tree?
To fate thy body yield, endure the pain;
The once split pen will never mend for thee.
Cowell 1858 - 15
Why vex thyself with its sorrows and cares?
Commit thee to fate, contented with the hour,
For the pen, once passed, returns not back for thee!
Grolleau 1902 - 95
Ô coeur! puisqu'en ce monde le vrai même est une hyperbole,
Pourquoi t'inquiéter à ce point de ce trouble et de cet abaissement,
Livre ton corps au destin, et ton âme à la merci des heures;
Ce que la Plume a écrit ne sera pas raturé pour toi.
Heron-Allen 1898 - 95
Oh, heart! since in this world truth itself is hyperbole,
why art thou so disquieted with this trouble and abasement?
resign thy body to destiny, and adapt thyself to the times,
for, what the Pen has written, it will not re-write for thy sake.
De Marthold 1910 - 95
Puisqu'au monde le vrai même est une hyperbole,
Pourquoi, coeur inquiet, ce trouble qui t'affole?
Livre au destin ton corps et ton âme au hasard,
Ce que la Plume écrit pour aucun ne se viole.
Nicolas 1867 - 216
Ô mon cœur! puisque le fond même des choses de ce monde n'est qu'une fiction, pourquoi t'aventurer ainsi dans un gouffre infini de chagrins? Confie-toi au destin, supporte le mal, car ce que le pinceau a tracé ne sera pas effacé pour toi.
Von der Porten 1927 - 95
Das Leben und die Wahrheit sind in stetem Fluß
O Herz, was nützet Sorge dir und was Verdruß.
Verzichte, laß dich auf der Zeiten Welle treiben,
Denn was die Feder schrieb, ist ewiger Beschluß.
Rosen 1928 - 170
Oh heart, as in truth the world is but a delusion,
Why grieve so much at this dearth of kindness?
Give thyself up to fate and befriend thy sorrow,
For this pen will not retrace its writing for thee.
Talbot 1908 - 95
O heart! truth absolute thou canst not see,
Then why abase theyself in misery?
Bow down to Fate, and wrestle not with Time!
The pen will not rewrite one word for thee.
Thompson 1906 - 300
O, Heart! Since earth's truth is illusion vain,
Why so distressed in lasting grief and pain?
Bear trouble ! Bow to Fate ! Once gone the Pen
For thee will never trace the scroll again!
Tirtha 1941 - VI.11
O mind! the world is but a mocking sight,
You fancy some delights, and fret in fright;
Resign yourself to Him, and pine for Him,
You cannot alter what is black on white.
Whinfield 1883 - 257
O heart! this world is but a fleeting show,
Why should its empty griefs distress thee so?
Bow down, and bear thy fate, the eternal pen
Will not unwrite its roll for thee, I trow!
- ARBERRY 1952 - 153
- SAIDI 1991 - 109
- WHINFIELD 1882 - 140