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Bodleian quatrain nr. 97

Cadell 1899 - 105
Go then, cast dust on heaven's sapphire stair,
Drink wine, love beauty, in this world of men.
What place for pious deeds? What need for prayer?
Of the departed, none comes back again.

Christensen 1927 - 56
Go! throw dust upon the head of the heavens and the
world. Drink ever wine and hover about the fair-faced ones.
What place is there for worship? what place for prayer?
for of all those who are gone not one has come back.

Grolleau 1902 - 97
Va! jette de la poussière à la face du ciel,
Bois du vin, étreins la beauté:
Est-ce le moment de la prière et de la supplication?
Puisque, de tous ceux qui sont partis, pas un seul n'est revenu.

Heron-Allen 1898 - 97
Go! throw dust upon the face of the heavens,
drink wine, and consort with the fair of face;
what time is this for worship ? and what time is this for supplication?
since, of all those that have departed, not one has returned?

De Marthold 1910 - 97
Jette de la poussière à la face du ciel,
Bois, étreins la beauté, voilà l'essentiel:
A quoi bon supplier et pourquoi la prière?
Nul est-il revenu de l'exil éternel?

Nicolas 1867 - 228
Va jeter de la poussière sur cette voûte des cieux et bois du vin; recherche les belles personnes, car où vois-tu sujet de pardon, sujet de prière, puisque, de tous ceux qui sont partis, aucun n'est revenu?

Von der Porten 1927 - 97
Gen Himmel schleudert Staub, Verachtung ihm zu zeigen,
Trinkt Wein und jubelt laut in schöner Frauen Reigen,
Laßt jetzt das Beten, und das Allah! Allah! Rufen
Wir gehen all', doch wer kam je vom großen Schweigen?

Rosen 1928 - 174
Go, throw dust on the Sphere of this world,
Drink wine and court those whose face is resplendent like the moon.
What place is this for worship and for prayer?
Since from all who have left no news returns.

Talbot 1908 - 97
Fling dust at heaven, that every offering spurns;
Drink wine, and love while thy desire yet burns;
What time is this to worship or to pray?
Of all that have departed, none returns.

Thompson 1906 - 312
Go! On earth's face, in Heaven's face high in air
Flung dust, drink wine and woo the sweet-faced fair!
What time is there for worship? What for prayer?
For none of all those gone returneth e'er.

Tirtha 1941 - III.49
Ascend the skies, fling the dust on earth, ‘tis base,
Yea seek His love, and linger on His face.
Thy rites and prayers will not profit there,
The path you once have plied you can’t retrace.

Whinfield 1883 - 267
Go to! Cast dust on those deaf skies, who spurn
Thy orisons and bootless prayers, and learn
To quaff the cup, and hover round the fair;
Of all who go, did ever one return?

  • ARBERRY 1952 - 47
  • WHINFIELD 1882 - 146