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Wandering quatrains

“Omar Khayyam i stranstvuyushchie chetverostishiya” (Omar Khayyam and Wandering Quatrains), V.A. Zhukovski.
In: Al-Muzaffariya. (Festschrift für Baron V. Rosen), St. Petersburg, 1897.

The table is borrowed from the article "Al-Musaffariyé: containing a recent contribution to the Study of Omar Khayyám" by E. Denison Ross, in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, April 1898, pp. 349–366. This paper is a discussion and a partial translation of the contribution by Prof. V.A. Zhukovski.

The table below is sortable. Click once on a column header to sort the column. Click again to sort in reverse order.

1 1 1
2 3 2
3 8 7 5
4 9 8
5 10 9
6 18 21
7 24 28 11*
8 38 42 19
9 47 50
10 49 52
11 54 57
12 55 58
13 59 62
14 63 68
15 69 72
16 70 73
17 74 76
18 76 78
19 79 81
20 89 91
21 91 93
22 94
23 96 97
24 110 140
25 113 142
26 116 144 75
27 182 197
28 120 147
29 130 156
30 141 164
31 143 166
32 144
33 146 168
34 152 173
35 155
36 158 177
37 165 183
38 168 185
39 179 194 77
40 183 198
41 184 199
42 187 202
43 193 206
44 199 243
45 202 246
46 203 87*
47 224 96*
48 225 264
49 226 264
50 229 1
51 230 269 99
52 236 276
53 238 278
54 255 295
55 260 300
56 263 306
57 265 308
58 266 309
59 274 317
60 290 330 116
61 294 332 118
62 296 333
63 301 357
64 309
65 324
66 328 369
67 337 376
68 348 390 129
69 350 392
70 351 393 130
71 353 395
72 361 406
73 379 420
74 370 414 135
75 374 417
76 387 430
77 394 436 145
78 396 438
79 426 463
80 438
81 444 476
82 450 490 157*

The table shows the corresponding numbers of the "wandering" quatrains in Nicolas (1867) and Whinfield (1883). The numbers in the Bodleian MS are according Heron-Allen's edition. The corresponding numbers with the Bodleian quatrains were taken from the footnotes in Whinfield's edition.
Some references to the Bodleian quatrains were added by Ross, which he marked with an asterisk.