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Parmise 2012 - XVII

Parmise Publications, 2012. Decorated text page

RUBA'IYAT (QUATRAINS). In Persian, English, German & Arabic. Rendered into English verse by Edward FitzGerald. Tehran, Parmise Publications, 2012.

This edition has an index to the first lines of the English quatrains. There are 114 quatrains. No mention is made of translators. Though not mentioned on the title page, the volume contains French translations.

From FitzGerald’s translations 97 quatrains are selected. From Rosen’s 1928 edition nine quatrains were selected and four from Emami’s translation. Four more quatrains belong to the number of translations that were provided by A. Azad, for the Gooya edition of 1999, but for which the source is still unidentified. These are the numbers 46 (E 15), 65 (E 5), 85 (E 13) and 89 (E 6).

Number of quatrains:
FitzGerald (1859) - 72
FitzGerald (1868) - 22
FitzGerald (1879) - 3
Rosen (1928) - 9
Emami (1988) - 4
Unindentified - 4

IndexF 1F 2F 4Rosen 1928Rosen NurEmamiAzad
1 69
2 1
3 68
4 2
5 68
6 63
7 84
8 26
9 70
10 52
11 7
12 50
13 12
14 16
15 72
16 19
17 35
18 18
19 28
20 12
21 4
22 46
23 65
24 30
25 66
26 43
27 54
28 65
29 44
30 62
31 22
32 29
33 74
34 23
35 17
36 80
37 28
38 4
39 8
40 43
41 38
42 6
43 55
44 40
45 147
46 60 (E 15)
47 67
48 72
49 66
50 42
51 98
52 54
53 68
54 21
55 39
56 15
57 99
58 1
59 85
60 48
61 64
62 46
63 63
64 65
65 10 (E 5)
66 75
67 36
68 48
69 14
70 49
71 34
72 51
73 27
74 56
75 3
76 58
77 47
78 61
79 60
80 42
81 31
82 44
83 13
84 41
85 36 (E 13)
86 46
87 28
88 20
89 11 (E 6)
90 55
91 18
92 73
93 17
94 37
95 32
96 24
97 50
98 20
99 14
100 70
101 45
102 102
103 8
104 9
105 105
106 53
107 327
108 25
109 12
110 33
111 57
112 11
113 10
114 44

From E’tessam-Zadeh’s 1931 translation 71 quatrains were taken and 12 from the edition by H.A.N. Esfandiary (1972). These last are the following numbers

8 (F19) 21 (F12) 32 (F20) 50 (F17) 69 (F15) 100 (F26)
9 (F16) 24 (F21) 34 (F18) 55 (F23) 83 (F14) 110 (F22)

One quatrain, number 49 (F 1) appeared in the Tahrir-Iran edition of 1955.

From V. Monteil’s translation 18 verses were selected. From H.A. Kavoussi’s translation 12 quatrains were taken, the numbers

2 (F47) 38 (F50) 65 (F32) 86 (F38) 91 (F53) 102 (F46)
3 (F43) 46 (F48) 85 (F44) 89 (F33) 93 (F51) 107 (F41)

Number of quatrains:
E’tessam-Zadeh (1931) - 71
E’tessam-Zadeh (Shumposha, 1972) - 12
E’tessam-Zadeh (Tahrir-Iran, 1955) - 1
Monteil (1981) - 18
Kavoussi (2012) - 12

IndexE'tessam 1931E'tessam 1972E'tessam 1955Monteil 1981Kavoussi
1 6
2 19 (F 47)
3 15 (F 43)
4 1
5 12
6 56
7 26
8 26 (F 19)
9 19 (F 16)
10 92
11 70
12 21
13 83
14 17
15 81
16 96
17 30
18 64
19 121
20 16
21 4 (F 12)
22 254
23 84
24 30 (F 21)
25 35
26 46
27 66
28 64
29 34
30 91
31 18
32 29 (F 20)
33 88
34 23 (F 18)
35 17
36 65
37 59
38 22 (F 50)
39 92
40 178
41 124
42 154
43 137
44 121
45 137
46 20 (F 48)
47 119
48 109
49 5 (F1)
50 22 F 17)
51 129
52 215
53 30
54 186
55 39 (F 23)
56 76
57 174
58 143
59 171
60 122
61 171
62 146
63 177
64 114
65 4 (F 32)
66 185
67 203
68 200
69 14 (F 15)
70 116
71 85
72 212
73 214
74 215
75 174
76 218
77 232
78 231
79 68
80 234
81 240
82 242
83 13 (F 14)
84 279
85 16 (F 44)
86 10 (F 38)
87 284
88 33
89 5 (F 33)
90 271
91 25 (F 53)
92 297
93 23 (F 51)
94 294
95 286
96 296
97 306
98 302
99 320
100 70 (F 26)
101 312
102 18 (F 46)
103 380
104 354
105 348
106 360
107 13 (F 41)
108 335
109 125
110 33 (F 22)
111 351
112 373
113 57
114 346

Of the German quatrains, most are by Nordmeyer, Rosen and Bodenstedt, but the source of 30 quatrains remains obscure. However, these verses also appear in the later edition published by Persian Art & Thought, 2016. In that edition we find, in the acknowledgements, the names of Leo Pold and Kamran Jamali as translators, but it is not clear who translated which quatrain. I have attributed these to Jamali. These are the following numbers

2 (G22) 22 (G26) 37 (G10) 60 (G15) 86 (G11) 101 (G7)
3 (G17) 26 (G21) 38 (G25) 67 (G32) 89 (G9) 106 (G20)
8 (G4) 28 (G12) 45 (G23) 76 (G35) 90 (G19) 107 (G14)
19 (G30) 32 (G34) 46 (G24) 82 (G13) 93 (G31) 109 (G16)
20 (G29) 33 (G28) 51 (G38) 85 (G18) 94 (G33) 113 (G27)

Three quatrains (nrs. 57 and 75 are double) appeared earlier in the edition by Mirzaei (1992): 8 (G 4), 57 (G 5), 75 (G5) and 110 (G 6).
One quatrain by Von der Porten appears twice, nr. 68=77.

Number of quatrains:
Nordmeyer (1926) - 41
Jamali (2012) - 30
Rosen 1909 (and later) - 17
Bodenstedt (1881) - 15
Von der Porten (1927) - 3 (=2)
Rempis (1935) - 3
Preconi (1946) - 2
Unidentified - 4 (=3)

IndexNordJamR '09R '12R '19BodPortRempPrecNN
1 91
2 2 (G 22)
3 3 (G 17)
4 354
5 92
6 38
7 57
8 8 (G 4) 22 (G 4)
9 27
10 111
11 7
12 49
13 13
14 231
15 67
16 172
17 64
18 22
19 19 (G 30)
20 20 (G 29)
21 4
22 22 (G 26)
23 142
24 30
25 66
26 26 (G 21)
27 41
28 28 (G 12)
29 60
30 75
31 23
32 32 (G 34)
33 33 (G 28)
34 24
35 232
36 74
37 37 (G 10)
38 38 (G 25)
39 8
40 400
41 386
42 85
43 76
44 55
45 45 (G 23)
46 46 (G 24)
47 64
48 152
49 90
50 39
51 51 (G 38)
52 77
53 103
54 22
55 54
56 153
57 24 (G 5)
58 1
59 79
60 60 (G 15)
61 88
62 46
63 86
64 89
65 78
66 101
67 67 (G 32)
68 102
69 28
70 122
71 100
72 71
73 27
74 77
75 24 (G 5)
76 76 (G 35) 95
77 102
78 84
80 80
81 31
82 82 (G 13)
83 14
84 57
85 85 (G 18)
86 86 (G 11)
87 34
88 261
89 89 (G 9)
90 90 (G 19)
91 466
92 99
93 93 (G 31)
94 94 (G 33)
95 40
96 42
97 70
98 13
99 77
100 94
101 101 (G 7)
102 444
103 7
104 10
105 97
106 106 (G 20)
107 107 (G 14)
108 75
109 109 (G 16)
110 34 (G 6)
111 80
112 12
113 113 (G 27)
114 44